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User:Firestorm Rex/Astral Champion (3.5e Class)

< User:Firestorm Rex

Author: Firestorm_Rex (talk)
Date Created: February 13, 2015
Status: In progress
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On the Astral Plane lie sources of incredible power, dead deities, a society has found a way to tap into these divine beings strength this is their story. 1 Alternate Magic

[[Class Ability::Other] Other

File:Transcendent Being.jpg
becoming one with a divine entity dead or alive is an enlightening experience

Astral ChampionEdit

Out in the multiverse on the astral plane exists a society dedicated to unlocking the secrets of the divine and therefore unlocking the secrets of creation. Among the detritus and useless matter on the astral plane the precursor society to the Astral Champions found the bodies of 12 incredibly powerful forgotten gods when they analyzed the corpses they found that they dated back to the beginning of time. The Precursors also found that each of these beings resonated with a certain aspect of existence each one, they theorized, had a domain associated with that aspect of existence there seemed to be among the bodies Shesma god of time, Theolan god of magic, Bloodra god of war and carnage, Sanctalen god of holy beings , Tortucra god of unholy beings , Klithpicarna god of aberrations , Zoroth god of negative energy , Luminesca god of positive energy , Kaltor god of fire , Orion god of water , Salanta god of air and Terranis god of earth

Making a Astral ChampionEdit

<-Strong points and weak points, and effectiveness with party members.->.

Abilities: An Astral Champion enters battle with a gauntlet in one hand and his astral essence shield in the other he fights I n many ways similar to a monk but is augmented by his supernatural divine powers this means that in order to be effective on the battlefield an Astral Champion needs to have a high dexterity to be effective in melee and a high wisdom to augment his powerhouse abilities.

Races: Of the a average races that join the ranks of the astral champion humans tend to be chosen most often.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: <-starting gold; YdZ->×10 gp (<-average starting gold. This calculated by multiplying the number of die rolls by the die size plus one and mulitplying the result by 5 [Y × (Z + 1) × 5].-> gp).

Starting Age: "Moderate" As fighter.

Table: The Astral Champion

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Dexterous Power, Divine bonding, Unarmed Art
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3
4th +3 +1 +4 +4
5th +3 +1 +4 +4
6th +4 +2 +5 +5
7th +5 +2 +5 +5
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +9
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12

Class FeaturesEdit

All of the following are class features of the Astral Champion.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with all shields, Medium/light armor and simple weapons.

Transformations: <-Delete this section if this class does not cast spells. description of spellcasting abilities: on what stat save DCs are based, on what stat bonus spells are based, and what stat determines the highest level spell that can be cast.->. <-pluralized class name-> choose their spells from the following list:

0—<-spells, spells, spells->

1st—<-spells, spells, spells->

2nd—<-spells, spells, spells->

3rd—<-spells, spells, spells->

4th—<-spells, spells, spells->

5th—<-spells, spells, spells->

6th—<-spells, spells, spells->

7th—<-spells, spells, spells->

8th—<-spells, spells, spells->

9th—<-spells, spells, spells->

Table: Astral Champion Transformations Known
Level Transformations Known
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

Mount of Quintessence (Ex): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-psi-like class feature->"><-psi-like class feature-></span> (Ps): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-spell-like class feature->"><-spell-like class feature-></span> (Sp): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-supernatural class feature->"><-supernatural class feature-></span> (Su): <-class feature game rule information->

Dimension Portal (Su): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-class feature->"><-class feature-></span>: <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-subclass feature->"><-subclass feature-></span> <-"(Ex)", "(Su)", "(Sp)", or "(Ps)" if applicable.->: <-subclass feature game rule information->

<-Lather, rinse...->

<-... repeat as necessary.->

Ex-Astral ChampionsEdit

<-Describe what happens when a character violates the alignment restrictions of any other class restrictions. If there are no behavior or alignment restrictions delete this section->.

Epic Astral ChampionEdit

<span id="Table: The Epic <-class name->">Table: The Epic <-class name-></span>

Hit Die: d<-Die size for Hit Die->

Level Special
21st <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
22nd <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
23rd <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
24th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
25th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
26th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
27th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
28th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
29th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
30th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->

<-number of skill points-> + Int modifier skill points per level.

<-existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-another existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-Lather, rinse...->

<-... repeat.->

Bonus Feats : The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> bonus feats) every <-number of feats per level-> levels after 20th.

Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->.

<-Sample race of your choice-> <-class name-> Starting PackageEdit

Weapons: <-Weapon selection for starting at 1st level with this class.->.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
<-Skill name-> <-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-> <-Abbrieviated key ability-> <-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If innapplicable put "—"->
<-Skill name-> <-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-> <-Abbrieviated key ability-> <-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If innapplicable put "—"->

<-copy and paste the rows as necessary.->

Feat: <-1st-level feat selection->.

Bonus Feats: <-1st-level feat bonus feats due to class or sample race. remove this section if this sample doesn't get any bonus feats at 1st level. ->.

Gear: <-Starting armor and other equipment outside of weapons.->.

Gold: <-Starting gold using this package.->.

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