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Tuneseeker (3.5e Prestige Class)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 12th February 2015
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A tuneseeker use her magical instrument to play powerful ancient tunes that can greatly alter the flow of battle among other things. 4 Arcane Spellcasting Bardic Music Full


This kid wrecked my mill with his damn flute.
—Unknown Miller, about a Tuneseeker

A tuneseeker is a bard who seek and discover powerful ancient tunes, these tunes are capable powerful supernatural effects. A tuneseeker is both a scholar and an artist, finding the secrete laid by musicians of old. Moreover tuneseeker each possess a powerful musical instruments that allow them to play the ancient songs themselves, as they grow so their instrument absorbing the millennial power of that resonate within these airs of great power.

Becoming a TuneseekerEdit

Entry Requirements  
Skills: Perform (Any Instrumental) 9 ranks. 
Feats: Music of the Gods-CE
Spellcasting: Must be capable of casting 2nd level arcane spells.. 
Special: Must have the bardic music class feature.
Table: The Tuneseeker

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Ancient Tune (Thief's Ballad), Bardic Music, Magical Instrument +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Ancient Tune (Karanoan's Joyous Air, Canticle of the Rising Sun) +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Ancient Tune (Call of the Steed) +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Ancient Tune (Song of Fading Weather, Verse of the Sky) +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Ancient Tune (Hymns of Travel), Enchanted Instrument +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Ancient Tune (Aria of Healing) +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Ancient Tune (Song of Raging Weather) +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Ancient Tune (Soaring Hymns of Travel) +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Ancient Tune (Air of the Thunder God, Giant's Lullaby) +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Ancient Tune (Timeless Song), Artifact Instrument +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).

Class FeaturesEdit

All of the following are class features of the Tuneseeker.

Spellcasting: At each level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a tuneseeker, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Ancient Tunes (Su): A tuneseeker's has the abilkity to call upon ancient tunes of great power. Using a ancient tune is a standard action and require the tuneseeker to expend one of her bardic music use for the day. Ancient tune behave exactly like a bard's bardic music ability. In order to be using an ancient tune a tuneseeker must be playing on her magical instrument (see below).

Thief's Ballad (Su): A 1st level tuneseeker with at least 9 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using this tune it replicate the effect of knock with a caster level equal to your your ranks in perform (or rank +3 if you play pathfinder).

Karanoan's Joyous Air (Su): A 2nd level tuneseeker with at least 10 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. For as long as it maintained it caused all creatures within 90 feet to become joyous, falling under the effect of calm emotions (will negate) that only affect negative emotions and non-hostile creature become one step friendlier. All animals within range are also affected by calm animal (will negate). After 5 round of maintaining this tune non-hostile creatures will start to dance as per irresistible dance (will negate). Any hostile actions taken against one creature under the effect of this ancient tune break the effect for the creature and all other creatures witnessing the aggression.

Canticle of the Rising Sun (Su): A 2nd level tuneseeker with at least 10 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. For as long as it maintained and 3 round thereafter the tuneseeker become the center of a daylight effect and all mindless undead creatures within 90 feet of her are staggered.

Call of the Steed (Su): A 3rd level level tuneseeker with at least 11 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using it she immediately summon a phantom steed with a caster level equal to your ranks in perform (or rank +3 if you play pathfinder), the steed speed is uncapped.

Song of Fading Weather (Su): A 4th level tuneseeker with at least 12 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using this tune the tuneseeker must maintain it for at least 1 minute, upon doing so she replicate the effect of control weather but only for making the weather calmer or ending atmospheric phenomena.

Verse of the Sky (Su): A 4th level tuneseeker with at least 12 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using this tune and for as long as she maintain it the tuneseeker and up to one creature per class level fall under the effect of air walk or wind walk.

Hymns of Travel (Su): A 5th level tuneseeker with at least 13 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using it the tuneseeker must maintain it for at least 1 minute. If she does she can replicate the effect of warp. Alternatively she can maintain it for 10 minute, instead creating an anchor sigil, this anchor sigil cannot be accessed by normal warp but only through a tuneseeker's hymn of travel or soaring hymn of travel ancient tunes.

Aria of Healing (Su): A 6th level tuneseeker with at least 14 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using it all creatures within 20 feet fall under the effect of heart of a champion and heal 2 hit points per ranks in perform you have (or rank +3 if you play pathfinder). Alternatively it may be used to remove any condition which can be removed by break enchantment or restoration.

Song of Raging Weather (Su): A 7th level tuneseeker with at least 15 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using this tune the tuneseeker must maintain it for at least 1 minute, upon doing so she replicate the effect of control weather but only for making the weather more extreme or starting atmospheric phenomena.

Soaring Hymns of Travel (Su): A 8th level tuneseeker with at least 16 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using it the tuneseeker must maintain it for at least 1 minute. If she does she can replicate the effect of greater warp.

Air of the Thunder God (Su): A 9th level tuneseeker with at least 17 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using this tune you replicate the effect of hurricane force and call lightning storm (you can call an unlimited amount of bolts, up to three per round each as a free action) both effects lasting as long you maintain the tune.

Giant's Lullaby (Su): A 9th level tuneseeker with at least 17 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using it all creatures with the giant type or augmented giant subtype capable of hearing the tune must make a will save or fall asleep. A creature who succeed it save against this tune is immune to it for 24 hours.

Timeless Song (Su): A 10th level tuneseeker with at least 18 ranks in perform can use this ancient tune. Upon using the user or a willing or helpless creature is time hopped for a duration of the tuneseeker's choosing (to a maximum of 100 years), the creature is unable to return prematurely.

Bardic Music (Su): The tuneseeker class stacks with bard to determine the number of bardic music uses per day, which bardic music you can use and one's bard level for determining the effects of certain bardic music abilities.

Magical Instrument: A 1st level tuneseeker gain a powerful magical instrument, while using it she can call upon her ancient tunes and gain a +4 bonus on perform checks involving using the instrument. As a move action a tuneseeker can recall her enchanted instrument from anywhere on the same plane to her hand as a move action. If the instrument is destroyed or permanently lost the tuneseeker can make another through a 24 hour ritual.

Enchanted Instrument: At 5th level a tuneseeker's magical instrument is upgraded to a more powerful enchanted instrument. When you play an enchanted instrument you can cast any bard spell that take a standard action or less to cast with the same standard action used to concentrate or start one of your bardic music (including ancient tunes). This follow the same rule as normally casting a spell, you choose whether the spell is casted before or after the bardic music when you use this ability.

Additionally an enchanted instrument is utterly immune to mundane source of damage, it cannot be damaged by the environment or by mundane weapons.

Artifact Instrument: At 10th level the tuneseeker's enchanted instrument become an artifact instrument, it become a major artifact and thus cannot be destroyed at all (a single method exist as per normal, determine by the DM and player). Additionally you can now use the enchanted instrument special ability as a move action rather than a standard action.

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