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Template:Greyhawk Realm/doc

< Template:Greyhawk Realm

This template is for use in any article about a country, province, kingdom, area, or settlement within the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. Most of the parameters are optional, and will show as Unknown if left undefined. The recommended image size is a width of 250px so that it will completely fill the infobox without increasing its size.

Add wiki links to articles on cities, rulers, region, other nations, deities, races, etc.


{{Greyhawk Realm
|image = 
|caption = 
|name = 
|motto = 
|region = 
|ruler = 
|government = 
|established = 
|capital = 
|major towns = 
|provinces = 
|resources = 
|coinage = 
|population =  
|races = 
|languages = 
|alignments = 
|religions = 
|allies = 
|enemies = 

Two additional optional parameters exist to enable changing of the background and foreground colours in the name part of the infobox, the default is white text on a black background.


An example is shown to the right:

Greyhawk Realm
Viscounty and Town of Verbobonc
Motto: Earth and stone, man and gnome
Region: Old Ferrond
Ruler: Viscount Langard
Government: Semi-independent nation owing fealty to Veluna, but nearly autonomous in practice
Established: Unknown
Capital: Verbobonc
Provinces: Fourteen freeholds and fiefs, all under 500 square miles; entire viscounty is a bishopric under Saint Cuthbert, divided into eight "guardianships"” overseen by abbots; some guardianships include more than one political fief.
Major Towns: Verbobonc
Resources: copper, gems, timber
Coinage: [Modified Furyondy] leaf (pp), wheatsheaf (gp), knight (ep), spire (sp), common (cp)
Population: 177,800
Languages: Common
Alignments: LG*, N, LN
Religions: St Cuthbert*, Ehlonna, Zilchus, Fharlanghn, Obad-Hai, Beory
Allies: Veluna, Furyondy (distrusted), Knights of the Hart (distrusted), Kron Hills gnomes (distrusted, technically in rebellion currently), Dyvers
Enemies: Empire of Iuz, Pomarj, various evil cults (especially Iuz, Vecna, Zuggtmoy, Temple of Elemental Evil)