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Talk:Aspect of the Queen Bee (3.5e Feat)


  Eiji-kun opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Ew. How did I miss this one.

Well, to your credit, this isn't the typical "wizard pisses in your feat" nonsense. Things are generally grossly powerful at every level. So... good? But man, #7. That #7.

Even at wizard level, I'd argue there should be precedent for not making things at will (never mind stronger things at will) at the level which you just get the choice for a weaker thing at will a few times a day. Beyond that, its cure method is unreasonable for most to carry. Thus, it's certain death for anyone thus infected.

Actually, as far as I can tell it works on anything. You might be able to eat golems with this. Or ghosts (ghost touch provided).

  Leziad opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
What? fast healing 5 at 3 is pretty strong even for VH. But a SoD at will at level 7? They get a really efficient SoD (not a death-effect or a mind-affecting effect) that is essentially a fort save partial before the wizard can even gaze at it first SoD.

Level 7 Ability

As written, this ability doesn't do anything, as it doesn't say what effect the larva have on enemies. --Neofenrir 03:54, October 25, 2009 (UTC)

Fixed. Thanks for the catch. - TG Cid 12:39, October 25, 2009 (UTC)

Response to IP EditsEdit

First off, this is a wizard-level feat, so just because you or your DM wouldn't allow this in your game doesn't mean it needs to be changed. It's tailored to a level of play that is positively riddled with save or dies, the first of which is usually considered to be phantasmal killer. Available at level 7, it forces a Will save or immediate death, whereas this is a ranged touch attack (on a class with Medium BAB) 1d4 round effect (hardly instantly, as you claim, even though it is admittedly unlikely that a monster will have the means to remove the larva). So this is, in effect, weaker than phantasmal killer, except that this is usable at will. Secondly, there is no "minimum DC 21 Fortitude save". At level 7, assuming the hivemaster had 24 Constitution, the save DC would 10 (base) + 3 (1/2 class level rounded down) + 7 (Con modifier) = 20. There's no minimum; it's fairly calculated using a very standard formula.

Lastly, your revisions were rather unfounded. For a wizard-level campaign, fast healing 5 is not that big of a deal, and granting an ability that's already given by the class itself is rather contradictory to the idea that a feat opens up options (part of the purpose of the Aspect of the Vermin class feature). If you have a grievance with the feat as written, post it here on the talk page. Or, as I'm sure you may have considered, don't use it in your campaign. If this feat made you squirm, don't look at the class; it will probably make your stomach turn. - TG Cid 15:57, June 22, 2010 (UTC)

Butt maggots, yum.--Tavis McCricket 19:17, June 22, 2010 (UTC)
Being fair, Cid, an SoD at level 7 is a bit harsh, even at wizard-level. The only comparable thing you have to that is PhantKill, and that requires two saves, and is much easier to protect against (mind or fear-immunity pretty much shuts it down). Since this is a feat ability, I would say it does need pulling back. - MisterSinister 21:37, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
Do the fully grown bees also have the burrowing effect, or is the level 15 ability really weaker than the level 7?
Er... never mind. If it's still a ranged touch attack, 45d8 damage is a lot. --Foxwarrior 21:55, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
How would it be if it made saves each turn and had cumulative effects working up to death? Sickened, nauseated, and then dead (as an example). If they make a save, they keep the last effect they failed a save for but don't gain the next more severe effect. - TG Cid 22:16, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
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