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Supercooled Core (3.5e Feat)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 4th February 2021
Status: Complete
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Supercooled Core [Racial] "New coolant system, keep the robot friend fresh and cool! Oh Golly, I think it might be too... effective..."Prerequisites: Syntoid RaceBenefit: You gain Fire Resistance 10 and your Overheat racial features deal cold damage instead of fire damage, both to you and creatures you strike. Instead of catching on fire you risk becoming immobilized by ice for 1 round. Any amount of fire damage dealt to you automatically free you.

In addition to the benefit of the feat, increase the maximum duration of Overclock by 1 round. Special: You may suppress or resume the effect of this feat as a free action at the start of each of your turn. If you have Battery Core you may not have both active at the same time.

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