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Stench Kow (5e)

 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

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Stench Kow (pointer) [1] [2] [3]
Large Fiend (Cattle), Unaligned
Armor Class: 10
Hit Points: 15
Speed: 30 ft.
Damage Resistances: cold, fire, poison
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Habitat: Grassland, Urban
Challenge: 1/2 (100 xp)Proficiency Bonus (PB): +2


Charge. [4] [5] If the cow moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage.



Gore. Melee Weapon Attack [5]

Unofficial Description: Green and orange cattle of the Lower Planes, known for their stench.

Sources and NotesEdit

  1. Jeremy Crawford (17 May 2022). Monsters of the Multiverse. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0786967870. p. 82. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).
  2. et. al., Mike Mearls (November 2016). Volo's Guide to Monsters. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 978-0-7869-6601-1. p. 207-208. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).
  3. Variant: VGtM variant indicates the creature is a Beast rather than a Fiend. Also the CR is ¼ instead of ½.
  4. Trait matches the trait of the same name in the 5th ed. SRD. - Wizards RPG Team (6 May 2015). SRD-OGL v5.1. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: OGL & CC-BY.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Variant: MotM variant folds the Charge trait into the Gore action.

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