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Spell Power Enhancements (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 6/12/2016
Status: Complete to my knowledge; Open to suggestions
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Spell PowerEdit

Spell Power enhancements increase the effectiveness of an Implement bonus when casting certain spells.

A Spell Power enchantment can only be added to an item with an Implement Bonus of at least +1. These Spell Power enchantments come in two forms - Those that affect spells of a certain School/Discipline, and those that affect spells of a certain descriptor/type. Those that affect a certain discipline require the wielder to have Spell Focus in the school or Discipline Focus in the discipline (Or be a specialist Wizard/Psion of the appropriate School/Discipline); The others require no other effort.

A Spell Power enchantment (Works for Powers too, but Power Power didn't sound right) more or less allows the Implement Bonus of the implement it's applied to ignore some of the usual restrictions in regard to spells of the appropriate sort; The Implement bonus ignores the normal Caster Level cap of a spell's effects; A +3 Devotion Holy Symbol of Pelor can allow a 9th-level Cleric to cast a Cure Light Wounds spell that heals 1d8+8 HP, ignoring the CL cap on how much Cure Light Wounds can heal, for example.

To make an Implement with a Spell Power enchantment, you have to have a Caster Level equal to at least three times the Implement bonus. When creating the Spell Power enchantment, it requires one spell of the appropriate school or descriptor of a spell level at least equal to the Implement's Implement Bonus. Thus, when creating a +3 Combustion Ring, you would need to be at least 9th level and cast a Fire spell of 3rd-level or higher as part of the item creation. The Item Creation fea required to enchant the Implement is the same as the feat required to make it in the first place; See the Magic Implement page for more details.

The Spell Power enchantment can only affect spells of a level equal to or lower than its implement bonus; Thus a +3 Combustion Ring can only affect Fire spells of 3rd level and lower.

When determining cost, those that affect a descriptor are +2 equivalent, and those that affect an entire school or discipline are +3 equivalent.

School Power ImplementsEdit

Abjurant: Abjurant Implements add their Implement Bonus to Abjuration spells.

Conjuring: Conjuring Implements add their Implement Bonus to Conjuration spells.

Divining: Divining Implements add their Implement Bonus to Divination spells.

Enchanting: Enchanting Implements add their Implement Bonus to Enchantment spells.

Evoking: Evoking Implements add their Implement Bonus to Evocation spells.

Illusory: Illusory Implements add their Implement Bonus to Illusion spells.

Necromantic: Necromantic Implements add their Implement Bonus to Necromancy spells.

Transmuting: Transmuting Implements add their Implement Bonus to Transmutation spells.

Discipline Power ImplementsEdit

Clairsentient: Clairsentient Implements add their Implement Bonus to Clairsentience powers.

Metacreative: Metacreative Implements add their Implement Bonus to Metacreativity powers.

Telekinetic: Telekinetic Implements add their Implement Bonus to Psychokinesis powers.

Psychometabolic: Psychometabolic Implements add their Implement Bonus to Psychometabolism powers.

Psychoportative: Psychoportative Implements add their Implement Bonus to Psychoportation powers.

Telepathic: Telepathic Implements add their Implement Bonus to Telepathy powers.

Descriptor Power ImplementsEdit

Anarchic: Anarchic Implements add their Implement Bonus to Chaos spells and powers.

Axiomatic: Axiomatic Implements add their Implement Bonus to Law spells and powers.

Combustion: Combustion Implements add their Implement Bonus to Fire spells and powers.

Corrosion: Corrosion Implements add their Implement Bonus to Acid spells and powers.

Devotion: Devotion Implements add their Implement Bonus to Positive Energy/Healing spells and powers.

Glaciation: Glaciation Implements add their Implement Bonus to Cold spells and powers.

Impulse: Impulse Implements add their Implement Bonus to Force spells and powers and those that deal physical damage (Such as Rain Of Needles).

Magnetism: Magnetism Implements add their Implement Bonus to Electricity spells and powers.

Nullification: Nullification Implements add their Implement Bonus to Negative Energy spells and powers.

Resonance: Resonance Implements add their Implement Bonus to Sonic spells and powers.

Radiance: Radiance Implements add their Implement Bonus to Light spells and powers.

Reconstruction: Reconstruction Implements add their Implement Bonus to spells and powers that repair objects and/or constructs, such as Mending and the Repair Damage line of spells.

Sinister: Sinister Implements add their Implement Bonus to Evil spells and powers.

Tenebrous: Tenebrous Implements add their Implement Bonus to Shadow and Darkness spells and powers.

Tidal: Tidal Implements add their Implement Bonus to Water spells and powers.

Tremulous: Tremulous Implements add their Implement Bonus to Earth spells and powers.

Virtuous: Virtuous Implements add their Implement Bonus to Good spells and powers.

Zephyrous: Zephyrous Implements add their Implement Bonus to Air spells and powers.

Spell Tenacity ImplementsEdit

You can also have enchanted Implements that add their Implement bonus to the DC of the appropriate spells, but can affect spells no greater than their Implement bonus. These Spell Tenacity enchantments are +2 equivalent and are synergy only; They can only be applied to an implement that already possesses the appropriate Spell Power enchantments, thus you can only add Zephyrous Tenacity to a +3 Ring if it already has Zephyrous attached to it. The Tenacity enchantment subsumes the name of the appropriate enchantment; Thus Zephyrous would become Zephyrous Tenacity, not Zephyrous X of Zephyrous Tenacity. As far as spells and feats go, the requirements are the same as applying the appropriate Spell power enchantment was, apart from costs.

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