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Daeijine Illithids (3.5e Race)

155 bytes added, 01:46, 3 December 2009
|size= Medium
|favored_class= Wizard
|desc= A weaker variant of the illithid race. Also contains a LA 2 version. }}
=Daeijine Illithids=
==Physical Description==
[[Summary::The illithid is a grotesque being, humanoid in form though thin and gaunt, with purple slimy skin and a squid for a head, equipped with four tendrils. ]] Their mouths come either in lamprey or beak form, and their eyes are white and without pupils. They are hermaphrodites, their only gender being by sheer personality.
Young illithids start as tadpoles with squid heads and grow inside briny vats until puberty at age 9-11, where they grow the rest of their human body and limbs, and can walk outside freely. The spawn must be cared for, lest they mutate into one of the several aberrant paths of life for an illithid.
* -2 Strength, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
* [[{{Property-Link|SRD:Aberration Type|Creature Type|Aberration]]}}: The illithid had a truly alien biology not of this time.
* Medium: As Medium creatures, illithids have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Illithid [[base land speed]] is 30 feet.
* [[SRD:Su|Supernatural Ability]]: 1/day—Mind Blast. Caster level is character level. The save DC is [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]]-based.
* [[Automatic Languages]]: Common and Undercommon. [[Bonus Languages]]: Any, usually gained from consuming brains. Language is done via telepathy, as vocal speech is impossible.
* [[Favored Class]]: {{Property-Link|SRD: Wizard|Favored Class|Wizard}}.* [[Level Adjustment]]: [[Level Adjustment:: +2]]* [[Base Effective Character Level]]: [[ECL::3]]