'''Aura of Immunodeficiency {{Su}}:''' All creatures within 100 ft of Marsulo lose any bonuses they have on saves against disease and poison, while those who are immune lose their immunity but gain a +8 bonus against the respective effects. Those within 10 ft have that bonus reduced to +4, and even things which are naturally immune (such as constructs and undead) become susceptible to disease and poison. Curing a disease or poison is also impossible within 10 ft. A disease or poison picked up by these naturally immune creatures persists after they leave the area, but they regain their immunity against any further attempts.
[[Plaguehive (3.5e Template)|plaguehivePlaguehive]] creatures are immune to his aura of immunodeficiency.
'''Breath Weapon {{Su}}:''' The effect of ''[[SRD:Contagion|contagion]]'' to all targets in a 60 ft cone once every 1d4 rounds, DC 23 [[Fortitude]] negates. The save DC is [[Constitution]] based.