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Master Buff Lockdown (3.5e Invocation)

8 bytes added, 02:51, 29 October 2021
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A [[Saiyan Warrior (3.5e Class)|Saiyan Warrior]] using this invocation consumes 2 ki points (in addition to ki points spent on the ki volley itself and/or other invocations). A Saiyan Warrior can't use this invocation if he doesn't have enough ki points or exceeds the maximum ki points he is allowed to spend on a given ki volley.
<u>'''Ki Bind:''' </u> On a failed fortitude save (DC = 19 + Saiyan Warrior class level + Wisdom modifier) the user may temporarily paralyze the opponent and initiate a single attack. However, on a successful save and spending the same amount of ki as the user, the opponent may utilize the same effect on the user and make a single attack of opportunity.
The paralysis affect effects even those that are immune to paralysis/paralyzing effects.