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Mater Diana and The Twins of the Hunt (3.5e Equipment)

No change in size, 21:56, 25 February 2021
2nd Ritual (Tracking the Prey)
'''Variable Bonus:''' The enhancement bonus on the weapon improves to +2. By spending 1 hour in meditation, you can switch out the enhancement bonus on the weapon for any weapon special abilities on a 1 for 1 basis. The scimitars and the bow are all treated as separate weapons for this feature and the scimitars must remain at a bonus equal to the bow bonus - 1. The weapon must always have a minimum +1 enhancement bonus.
''Pre-Requisites:'' BAB +6, must have tracked down and killed two other two creatures of the same type as the first and in the same conditions, or any other of your favored enemies.
''Cost:'' 8000 gp, 320 xp