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Spirit Shaman (3.5e Class)

39 bytes removed, 07:26, 17 July 2020
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'''''{{Anchor|Spirit Sight}}'' ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|Sp]]):''' At 4th level, a spirit shaman may connect with a tame animal or spirit, and obtains the ability to see through the eyes of that said animal or spirit.
'''''{{Anchor|Polymorph}}'' ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|Sp]]):''' At 5th level, a spirit shaman may cast ''[[SRD:Polymorph_(Spell)|Polymorph]]'' as a spell like ability a number of times per day equal to half their Wisdom modifier. Caster level is their character level.
'''{{Anchor|Ether Gate}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' An 8th level Spirit Shaman may open up a gateway between the ethereal plane and the physical world. The gate stays open as long as the spirit shaman concentrates. For every five feet wide the shaman makes the portal, they suffer 2 points of damage for every round they hold it open.
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