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Holy, Revised (3.5e Equipment)

152 bytes added, 16:53, 18 July 2019
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A holy weapon is menacing, causing evil creature and undead with 4 HD or less to be [[At Bay (3.5e Condition)|At Bay]] from the weapon when readied and drawn.
A An holy weapon do not function in the hand hands of an a non-good aligned creaturescharacter. If an held by a creature of evil-aligned creature attempt to..alignment it start burning as per [[SRD:Heat Metal|''heat metal'']], which deal half fire and half divine damage, until the weapon is discarded and 1 round after.
Moderate evocation [good]; CL 7th; [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magical Arms and Armor]], ''[[SRD:Holy Smite|holy smite]], ''creator must be good; Price [[Cost::+2]].</onlyinclude>