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185 bytes added, 06:37, 8 June 2019
probably forgetting at least one
I have DMed D&D 3.5 and 4, Mutants and Masterminds, Gempunks, Cybergems, Dungeon World, After Sundown, Shadowrun 4e, and Gem Lords, Lasers & Feelings; PCed D&D 3.5and 5e, Dark Heresy, Kobolds Ate My Baby, Mutants & Masterminds, Pathfinder, and Open4e, and played DScion, Gurps, Microscope, Gempunks, Cybergems, After Sundown, Shadowrun 4e, Lasers &D 2Feelings, Champions, 3Dungeons the Dragoning, and 3.5 on a PCCOREFAILURE. If you have flavor that does not fit with the mechanics, the flavor is lying to you.
I also have opinions about [[User:Foxwarrior/Time_Travel|Time Travel]].