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Levigate (3.5e Equipment)

47 bytes removed, 05:09, 10 March 2018
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==<!-- Levigate -->==[[Summary::Crush you enemies to death with this ''This weapon.]] Put the rest of the descriptive text about your enhancement here.seems abnormally blunt and deadly''
''Levigate''[[Summary:: Crush your enemies to death with this weapon. This potent and feared ability allows the weapon to crush the bodies of enemies it hits to pulp, debris, pieces etc . Upon a roll of natural 20 (followed by a successful roll to confirm the [[SRD:Critical Hit|critical hit]]), the weapon crushes and reduces a major vital part of the body to debris and pulp, killing the creature instantly. Some creatures such as [[SRD:Ooze Type|oozes]], elementals without a solid body, incorporeal undead, creatures without a solid body in general are not affected. Most creatures however are affected when for example their entire chest cavity and everything in it is smashed flat and reduced to pulp or their head is smashed apart. Note that this can work on corporeal undead and constructs. A Levigate weapon must be a [[SRD:Bludgeoning Weapon|bludgeoning]] weapon. (If you roll this property randomly for an inappropriate weapon, reroll.)]]
 Strong necromancy and transmutation''; ''CL 18th; [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magical Arms and Armor]]'', [[SRD:Circle of Death|circle of death]]'', ''[[Fustigate|Fustigate]]''; ''Price +5 bonus.