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Perfect Dodge (3.5e Feat)

416 bytes removed, 19:07, 8 September 2017
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|name=Perfect Dodge
|summary=You No matter how skilled a foe is, you can dodge out of the way perfectly.|prereqs=[[DexteritySRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]] 18, Bab +1, Evasion class feature[[SRD:Dodge|Dodge]]
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=As a swift action nonaction when you can designate an opponent are attacked, you are aware may spend one of your Attack of (do not need Opportunity for the round to be within line of sight), gain a 50% miss chance against attacks from that opponent a single attack you gain have a dodge bonus to AC equal to 1+1/2 base attack bonus or your [[dexterity]] modifier (whichever is lower). You also gain the same bonus on reflex saving throws against that opponent's spells or abilities. As an immediate action you can have any one attack or other targeted effect targeting automatically miss as if it rolled a natural 1 on it attack roll (this does not affect abilities that do not require attack rolls).
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->
|special=This feat may be used as [[SRD:Dodge|dodge]] for the purpose of prerequisites. }}</onlyinclude>