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User:Leziad/Minstrel (3.5e Class)

54 bytes added, 00:15, 23 August 2017
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|special3=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} 3
|special4=[[#Talented Discovery|Talented Discovery]] {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} 4
|special5=[[#Virtuous Performance|Accelerated Performance]], [[#Skill Improvisation|Trained Skill Improvisation]] {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 2 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} 4
|special6=[[#Talented Discovery|Talented Discovery]] {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} 5
|special7=[[#The Troupe|The Troupe]] {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} 5
|special9=[[#Bonus Feat|Bonus Feat]] {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} 6
|special10=[[#Talented Discovery|Talented Discovery]] {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} 7
|special11=<!-- special abilities granted at 11 --> [[#Virtuous Performance|Swift Performance]] {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 2 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} 7
|special12=[[#Talented Discovery|Talented Discovery]] {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} — {{!!}} — {{!!}} 8
|special13=<!-- special abilities granted at 13 --> {{!!}} ∞ {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1 {{!!}} — {{!!}} 8
'''{{Anchor|Virtuous Performance}} {{Ex}} or {{Su}}:''' A Minstrel is able to produce a wide array of extraordinary and magical performance that enhance allies and negatively impact enemies. In order to start a virtuous performance the Minstrel must make a DC 15 [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check, she may take 10 when she is not in combat even if the situation is stressful. If she fail to start her performance it does not waste any round or daily uses of the ability. A minstrel can cast spell while performing, but must succeed a [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check equal to 15 + spell level otherwise the spell fail and she waste the action, although not the spell slot or any resources that the spell would have used .
Starting a virtuous performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained every round as a free action. Once a virtuous performance is start the Minstrel may switch between different performance as a free action once per round at the start of her turn. Virtuous Performance can be maintained for a number of round each day equal to 2 5 + twice your class level + your [[Charisma]] modifier.
A virtuous performance has either audible or visual component based on it type. In order to be affected by a virtuous performance a creature must either be able to hear or see her. If the Minstrel use dancing creature must be able to see her in order to be affected, but if she use an instrument or her voice they only need to hear her. A Minstrel know her performance well enough that she it is not negatively affected by being deafened. A Minstrel always affect herself with her virtuous performance if it affect allies, unless specifically mentioned otherwise, she also do not count in any creature limit the performance may have.
Virtuous Performance count as Bardic Music for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and abilities interacting with Bardic Music. An item or spell which increase the potency of Bardic Music also does so for Virtuous Performance. Similarly an effect or spell which weaken bardic music also affect virtuous performance likewise. The only exception is if an ability specifically target virtuous performance it does not affect bardic music, or if virtuous performance is specifically excluded from the text of an ability which interact with bardic music.
At 5th level she may attempt a DC 25 [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] to start her performance as a move action. At 10th 11th level she may attempt a DC 35 [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] to do so as a swift action.
A Minstrel start knowing two performance of her choice and gain new performance known as she level. She choose her performance from the the following list: [[Minstrel (3.5e Class)/Virtuous Performance List]]