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Master Craftsman (3.5e Feat)

107 bytes added, 06:54, 12 December 2016
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|name=Master Craftsman
|summary=The items you make are famous around the world for superior craftsmanship.
|skill=CraftCraf|skill0=You get a +3 bonus to all Craft checks. You gain the ability to craft any item as if you had the [[SRD:Item_Creation_(Feat_Type)| creation feats]]
|skill4=You craft items twice as fast if you have at least 4 ranks in the appropriate craft skill. This means that you can earn twice as much money with Craft checks.
|skill9=You can enchant magic items as though you had all the prerequisite [[SRD:Item_Creation_(Feat_Type)|feats]] if you have at least 9 ranks in the appropriate craft skill. You still need to meet the other prerequisites for this, such as caster level and spells known, or have a large supply of scrolls or wands that meet those requirements for you.
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