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Howling Warbler (3.5e Monster)

154 bytes added, 08:42, 15 September 2016
It is rumored that extended exposure to the aura of noise invokes terrible mutations, changes, and corruption in creatures, but so far none has lived long enough to find out as most choose suicide over one more second of the noise.
'''Bardic Antimusic:''' The howling warbler has the bardic music ability of a [[bard]] of its HD, except all bonuses are instead penalties. This includes the countersong, fascinate, inspire courage (as penalties), inspire competence (as penalties), and suggestion abilities. There are no save on the penalties, but things which normally have saves (such as suggestion) still possess them. Penalties overlap, they do not stack. It uses its [[Wisdom]] for the purpose of saving throws.
'''Bardic Knowledge:''' The howling warbler has [[bard|bardic knowledge]] of its HD.