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Killing (3.5e Equipment)

59 bytes added, 19:26, 26 July 2016
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==Killing ==
[[Summary::A killing weapon kills creatures with a single blow.]] When a creature is dealt damage by a killing weapon, it must make a fortitude save (DC 20 + half the wielder's base attack bonus) or die outright. A creature who succeeds its save is immune to the effects of killing weapons for 1 minute. Creatures which are immune to [death] effects cannot be slain by this ability, but on a failed they and creature who succeed their save they against this ability simply take an additional 100 damage or have their hit points halved, whichever leaves them with less hit points.
Creatures slain by a killing weapon cannot be resurrected unless a [[SRD:Wish|''wish'']] is used before a [[SRD:True Resurrection|''true resurrection'']] spell.
Strong Overwhelming Necromancy; CL 22nd; [[SRD:Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor]], [[SRD:Power Word Kill|''power word kill'']]; Price: [[Cost::+8]].