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Talk:Body Assemblage (3.5e Feat)

24 bytes added, 23:48, 13 June 2016
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"Necromantic Creation Feats
Any feat with the [Necromatic] tag is a necromantic creation feat. This means that it is merely one part of the dark tradition of necromancy; other means such as necromancy spells or other effects can create these undead, but this an easy path for the serious Necromancer. One trait shared by these feats is that '''each feat has a separate control pool for the undead it creates'''. For example, if a necromancer has the Path of Blood feat and the A Feast Unknown feat, he may control up to his unmodified charisma modifier in vampires or vampire spawn in addition to controlling up to his unmodified charisma modifier in ghouls. It is a move action to give commands any one undead creature. Any undead controlled by this feat cannot create undead or use the Spawn Undead ability. The rituals are inexpensive, but require r'''equire the flesh and blood of intelligent creatures as well as living creatures or fresh corpses as subjects'''. Any additional costs or conditions are listed in the individual feat. These rites '''take 1 hour per CR of the creature created''', and can only be performed at night or in a location that has never been touched by the sun (such as a deep cave). The maximum CR of an undead creature created with these rites is two less than the creator’s character level. '''Materials to create any undead always cost at least 25 gp per hit die. Creating undead by these method generally requires at least an hour."'''
this really should be in the feat type description. [[User:Grog toad|Grog toad]] ([[User talk:Grog toad|talk]]) 23:46, 13 June 2016 (UTC)