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Aura Seal (3.5e Condition)

557 bytes added, 17:24, 8 October 2015
Elaborating on Aura Seal being a curse
<onlyinclude>== Aura Seal ==
[[Summary::A condition [[SRD:Bestow Curse|curse]] that makes it impossible to benefit from buffs.|Status buffs don't work anymore!]] A creature afflicted with Aura Seal cannot benefit from any non-innate, non-static effects, magical or otherwise, that improve their performance. To say that more succinctly, status buffs on an Aura Sealed creature fail to function, and are effectively suppressed as though subjected to an [[SRD:Antimagic Field|''antimagic field'']] (even if they're extraordinary). Harmful effects, however, will function normally. Things blocked by Aura Seal include but are not limited to:
*Enchantment bonuses from any source other than bonuses granted by wearing equipment
*Insight bonuses from any source other than class features
*Luck bonuses
*[[SRD:Temporary Hit Points|Temporary hit points]]
*Temporary [[Limiting Points (3.5e Other)|limiting points]]
*Spell-granted extra movement options that are not instantaneous (such as [[SRD:Air Walk|''air walk'']], [[SRD:Fly|''fly'']], [[Bamf (3.5e Spell)|''bamf'']], etc.)
*Non-harmful non-instantaneous effects (such as [[SRD:Feather Fall|''feather fall'']])
Aura Seal does not block instantaneous effects such as healing or teleportation, though it ''can'' block effects that grant healing over time or continuous teleportation. It does not block bonuses granted by equipment or bonuses that are always present from a creature ability or class feature (for instance, it would block a ''feather fall'' cast on an afflicted creature, but not a ''feather fall'' granted by simply wearing a magic item or having a soulmeld shaped, or that is continuously active due to a class feature). It does not block a bonus that is always active, but does block one that has to be manually activated (so, for instance, it would prevent a barbarian's rage, [[Viewtiful Warrior (3.5e Class)#VFX Zoom|VFX Zoom]], [[Viewtiful Monarch (3.5e Prestige Class)#VFX Magic|VFX Magic]], or [[Surge Fighter (3.5e Class)#Ability Surge|Ability Surge]] from functioning, but would not nullify [[SRD:Spell Penetration|Spell Penetration]], [[SRD:Mobility|Mobility]], or a monk's AC bonus). It does not prevent such a bonus from being changed as a consequence of circumstances (such as an equipment bonus going up or down due to some environmental factor such as the current time of day). It also does not prevent a character from benefiting from circumstance bonuses, as those are a consequence of the environment rather than anything directly granted to the character.  Aura Seal is a curse, and can be removed by anything that would be capable of removing curses, such as [[SRD:Break Enchantment|''break enchantment'']], [[SRD:Remove Curse|''remove curse'']], and [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']], and [[Purifying Sanctuary (3.5e Epic Spell)|''purifying sanctuary'']]. (Note that ''break enchantment'' doesn't work if Aura Seal is inflicted by an effect of 6th level or higher.)However, it can only be removed by effects that remove curses; effects such as [[SRD:Restoration|''restoration'']], [[SRD:Greater Restoration|''greater restoration'']], [[SRD:Heal|''heal'']], and [[Heal, Greater (3.5e Spell)|''greater heal'']] cannot remove Aura Seal. Unlike many curses, Aura Seal typically has a finite duration, though it can be permanent. Due to being a curse, Aura Seal can never be inflicted by an extraordinary effect.</onlyinclude>