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User:Leziad/Baneful Marksman (3.5e Feat)

58 bytes added, 13:31, 14 June 2015
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''Last Stand:'' Once per day, whenever you are brought below 0 hit point you may make a standard action which involve a ranged attack as a non-action, after the attack you suffer the consequences of the damage as normal.
''Mark of Death:'' As a swift action after hitting a creature with a ranged attack you may 'mark' that creature, your next attack against that creature is made with a +1 bonus to attack and damage. If you wait at least 5 round before making your attack (you are free to attack any creature or pursue any of the task in the meantime) the bonus to attack and damage become equal to your base attack bonus. If you wait at least 24 hours the attack is an automatic critical threat as well. If you wait at least an entire year, your attack again the [[Killing (3.5e Equipment)|killing]] enhancement. You may only have one mark of death at any time.
''Named Bullet'': You can take 10 minute to inscribe the name of a creature on a piece of ammunition, you obviously need to know about the creature beforehand. If you use that particular piece of ammunition on the particular creature it gain a +2 bonus to attack and deal an additional 2d6 damages, any critical threat are also automatically confirmed. If you use the named bullet on any other creature it deal minimum damage. You may only have one named bullet at any time.