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::::I would be pretty happy with this as a leadership style feat that let you control a total EL of creatures equal to your level/CR - 4, but let you build beyond that limit and just not control them. So anything that you built at level 1 would be uncontrolled, but maybe treat you as a target of least priority so they don't turn on you unless nothing else is around. And in such a leadership equivalent formulation, I'm not worried about the component portion of it except in cases of needing to rush. 1 day per hit die, or 25gp per hit die and 10 minute casting seems sufficient to avoid the disposable unit syndrome discussed above. - [[User:Tarkisflux|Tarkisflux]] <sup>[[User talk:Tarkisflux|Talk]]</sup> 21:20, 7 June 2015 (UTC)
:::::Sorry it took so long to reply. So, you brought up some good points. It's difficult to adjudicate since animating dead is about the most unquantifiable thing you can get. It depends so much on how easily you can find and kill a 4 HD creature at level 1. I'm sure they exist, and I'm sure it's possible, I'm just not sure it's ''probable''. There's also a restriction you forgot: the number of HD you can control at one time is still limited, so at level 1 you're stuck with 4 HD total. That still applies for the 24 hour version. As usual, it's more optimal to have one big brute consuming all your limit than dozens of little minions. As a result even though you have it at will, you won't be using it again until your old minion dies or you need an upgrade.
:::::Still you have a point, having a CR 2 minion at level 1 is strong. Actually it's not an issue which abates at higher level (since the limit is always your level x4; weird side note, I wonder why undead HD are 1/4th of a CR but a 4 HD skeleton is CR 2). I wonder why it's less of an issue at higher levels, since I know it's not really optimal to do that. I think it's because skeletons specifically scale oddly. They're high CR at lowest HD, but quickly stop gaining CR quickly as they gain HD.
:::::And actually the thing Tarkis suggested is fascinating. The idea of making something you can't control. Well, I think I may have a patch for it. Since animal companions give you a CR 1 mook at first, I'll limit CR you can control to your CR or less, and anything you make above that is uncontroled to be rebuked/command undeaded after, if you survive. I may implement this change. -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun]] ([[User talk:Eiji-kun|talk]]) 07:49, 9 June 2015 (UTC)