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God-Machine Body (3.5e Monster)

14 bytes added, 23:26, 31 January 2015
While the god-machines are not sentient, they are capable of self-animation usually following the commands of its external pilot. It is said that long term use of them imprints the pilot's mind to the god-machine, resulting in strange quirks and behaviors when unpiloted and self-animating. It also makes accepting new pilots difficult; a god machine with an assigned pilot who encounters another pilot trying to take control must have the new pilot succeed on the charisma check as well as an opposed charisma check with the previous pilot. If they fail either, they are rejected. If they fail the opposed Charisma check the god-machine self-activates as if piloted by its former owner, often to the threat and danger of its occupant who is unable to wrest control back. Transferring between pilots may be performed willingly. If so, the second opposed Charisma check is not needed.
'''Transform {{Ex}}:''' All god-machines have the ability to transform into a part of a greater being known as [[Final Arbiter Danjonmasutā (3.5e Monster)|Final Arbiter]]. All god-machines must be present within a 1 mile area, and a single god-machine activating transformation (a standard action) alerts other god-machines to do the same on their turns. Once all god-machines have accepted to transform, the process begins. Over the course of 1 round all god-machines are absorbed into a vortex focused on the first which chose to activate the transformation, rendering them invulnerable to harm during the process. At the end of the transformation, the god-machine is effectively gone and replaced by the Final Arbiter.