just had an idea... update incoming
|prereqs=Bab +1 or [[Constitution]] 14
|benefit=You gain the following benefits:* You gain a +2 bonus on fortitude saves against diseases and poisons.* You are protected from the environment as if you were under the constant effect of [[SRD:Endure Elements|''endure elements'']].* You count your [[strength]] and [[constitution]] as 4 points higher for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity, how many rounds you can run or hustle in a day and how many rounds you can hold your breath before Upon taking this feat you need to make [[constitution]] checks.* You can go choose three time as long without sleeping and twice as long before drinking or eating before you suffer any consequences. * You recover from [[SRD:Fatigued|fatigue]] and [[SRD:Exhausted|exhaustion]] after an hour of not doing any strenuous activities instead of a full rest. * You gain a bonus equal to +4 or 1/2 your character level (whichever is higher) on all saving throw and checks against the following effects: Saving throws against effects that would make you fatigued or exhausted, [[SRD:Swim Skill|swim]] checks made to resist [[SRD:Nonlethal Damage|nonlethal damage]], [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] checks made to continue running, [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] checks made to avoid [[SRD:Nonlethal Damage|nonlethal damage]] from a forced march, [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] checks made to hold your breath, [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] checks made to avoid [[SRD:Nonlethal Damage|nonlethal damage]] from starvation or thirst, [[SRD:Saving Throw|Fortitude]] saves made to avoid [[SRD:Nonlethal Damage|nonlethal damage]] from hot or cold environments, and [[SRD:Saving Throw|Fortitude]] saves made to resist damage from suffocation.* You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming [[SRDbenefits:Fatigued|fatigued]].
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->