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Alchemical Hellfire (3.5e Equipment)

4 bytes added, 07:43, 28 February 2014
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''It looks like alchemist fire, but the liquid burns brightly as if already alight. Don't shake it, it might explode.''
Devilish alchemists sought to capture the power of hellfire into their dark chemicals and succeeded all too well, as their tower burned to the ground. Fortunately the secrets of alchemist hellfire was found, skipping the dark methods used to learn its initial creation. Alchemist hellfire operates like [[SRD:Alchemist 's Fire|alchemist 's fire]] in every way, but it is hellfire damage which ignores fire resistance and treats immunity as half damage. Alchemist hellfire is dangerously unstable. Whenever subject to extreme shaking (that is, anything that would require a Concentration check to cast a spell) the user must make a level check of d20 + your character level + [[Dexterity]]. If you fail, the alchemical hellfire you have on you explodes in a 5 ft radius burst centered on you, dealing 1d6 hellfire for every alchemical hellfire on you, with a DC 15 [[Reflex]] save for half. You yourself do not get a saving throw. Fortunately, merely taking damage or moving in combat is not enough shaking for it to explode.
Storing alchemical hellfire in an extradimensional space like a [[SRD:Handy Haversack|handy haversack]] is safest, as the folded space is unaffected by your shaking. Any alchemical hellfire in your hand can still explode of course.