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Idylean Power Armor (3.5e Equipment)

224 bytes added, 21:18, 25 February 2014
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{{3.5e Magic Item
|name=Idylean Power Armor
|bslot=Body, Ring (see text)
|act=See Text
|weight=50 lbs (armor) or - (ring)
|summary=A massive power armor that fit into a very small ring. Prized amongst among the warriors of Idylis.
Being Idylean technology, Idylean Power Armor count as exotic armor (medium), Idylean young gods simply treat it as regular medium armor. Creatures not proficient with the armor donning it are [[SRD:Staggered|staggered]] for as long they wear it.
A full suit of Idylean power armor takes up 4 slots on the body, covering the torso, arms, legs and head, although the helm may be freely removed and replaced with another item without compromising the armor's performance. Prerequisites: [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]], [[SRD:Limited Wish|''limited wish'']], the craft crafter must be an Idylean young god or assisted by one during the crafting.<br />
Cost to Create: 40,000, 3200 EXP, 80 days.