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Sigil Prep (3.5e Campaign Setting)

3,513 bytes added, 18:08, 15 May 2012
Created page with "{{Project Completeness |1}} {{Author |author_name=DM Swift |isnotuser=true |date_created= |status=In process of copying information over }} == Sigil Prep == [[Summary:: High..."
{{Project Completeness |1}}

|author_name=DM Swift
|status=In process of copying information over

== Sigil Prep ==
[[Summary:: High school all over again--this time in the Planes!]]

{| class="column" style="width: 100%; align: top;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
! style="width: 34%; text-align: left;" | '''<big>Player Info</big>'''
! style="width: 33%; text-align: left;" | '''<big>World Reference</big>'''
! style="width: 33%; text-align: left;" | '''<big>Running the Setting</big>'''
| style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;" |
;[[/Character Creation|Character Creation]]
:Rules and advice for Creating Characters.
* [[/Character Creation#Ability Scores|Ability Scores]]
* [[/Character Creation#Alignment|Alignment]]

:The many races of <!-- insert the name of your world or option -->.
* [[/Races#Major Races|Major Races]]
* [[/Races#Other Playable Races|Other Playable Races]]

:The classes available to characters.
* [[/Classes#Base Classes|Base Classes]]
* [[/Classes#Prestige Classes|Prestige Classes]]

;[[/Character Options|Character Options]]
:All the ways to customize characters.
* [[/Character Options#Feats|Feats]]
* [[/Character Options#Skills|Skills]]
* [[/Character Options#Character Flaws|Flaws]]
* [[/Character Options#Substitution Levels|Substitution Levels]]

;[[/Gear and Equipment|Gear and Equipment]]
:All the miscellaneous stuff you'll ever need.
* [[/Gear and Equipment#Gear|Gear]]
* [[/Gear and Equipment#Vehicles and Mounts|Vehicles and Mounts]]
* [[/Magic Items|Magic Items]]

:The mystical forces of <!-- insert the name of your world or option -->.
* [[/Magic#Arcane Magic|Arcane Magic]]
* [[/Magic#Divine Magic|Divine Magic]]
* [[/Magic#Psionics|Psionics]]

| style="width: 34%; vertical-align: top;" |
:History, times, eras.
* [[/History#<!-- something historical -->|<!-- something historical -->]]
<!-- copy and paste to add more, as necessary -->

:Rituals, heirarchies, legends, oral traditions.

;[[/Geography and Environment|Geography and Environment]]
:Places and locations of interest in <!-- insert the name of your world or option -->.
* [[/Geography and Environment#Geography|Geography]]
* [[/Geography and Environment#States|States]]
* [[/Geography and Environment#Maps|Maps]]

;[[/Pantheon|Deities, Demigods, and Heroes]]
:All the divinity in the multiverse.
* [[/Pantheon#Religion|Religion]]
* [[/Pantheon#Pantheons|Pantheons]]
* [[/Pantheon#The Deities|Individual Deities]]

;[[/Cosmology|Cosmology and the Planes]]
:The layout of the cosmos.

:The groupings of people in <!-- insert the name of your world or option -->.

;[[/NPCs|NPCs, Minions, and Notables]]
:All the people your players may see, talk to, or kill.

;[[/Dangers and Diseases|Dangers and Diseases]]
:Painful and disgusting things to torture players.
* [[/Dangers and Diseases#Diseases|Diseases]]

:The vile beasts, horrid creatures, and savage species.

| style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;" |
:Information on this campaign and suggestions.

;[[/Running a Campaign|Running a Campaign]]
:Basics on how to run a game with this setting.

;[[/Adventure Hooks|Adventures and Quests]]
:Things to do in <!-- insert the name of your world or option -->.

{{3.5e Campaign Settings Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Campaign Setting]]