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Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Intimidation

104 bytes added, 08:18, 25 January 2012
more forceful disclaimer
{{Sidebar |Suggested Rule Change Fear Effect Stacking |In The Intimidation skill was written with the interest intention of avoiding intimidation / being used in an environment where fear partieseffects don't stack, we recommend a rule change regarding fear stacking. Please see such as occurs under this [[Revised Fear Effects (3.5e Variant Rule)|variant rule]] for more informationnot specifically included in this work. You don't have to use can let the fear effects in this change skill and in spells stack, both with themselves and each other, if you don't want to, but you should understand that this skill is significantly more powerful if you can stack fear effectsthese instances.}}<onlyinclude>The intimidation skill is a social skill involving the threat of force, violence, and other unpleasantries. With it you can scare people into helping or running from you. Those who practice intimidation intensely can scare off larger groups of people, demand obedience from others, and break fear’s grasp over people.
Key Attribute: [[Charisma]]</onlyinclude>