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Wing Burst (4e Power)

4 bytes added, 19:59, 9 August 2011
cleanup - the sustain looks weird to me, as does the range, but the author or someone who plays more 4e will need to determine what is supposed to be there
<onlyinclude>{{4e Power
|name=Wing Burst
|owner=Race|class=Anulo Ra'a, Sky Drow Variant (Sky Drow) (4e Race)
|flavor=As you leap into the air, your wings propel you forward.
|actiontype=Immediate Reaction
|trigger=You make an athletics check to make a vertical or horizontal jump.
|hit=<!--What to do when the primary attack hits.-->
|effect=Use your the higher of your charisma or dexterity modifier instead of strength modifier.You add 10 to the final roll of your athletics check. In addition, if making a horizontal jump, instead of jumping, you fly a number of squares equal to how many squares you would have jumped. You must land at the end of your turn or risk falling, or sustain Wing Burst with a new athletics roll.
|sustain=Move Action|sustainaction=Move