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Progression for Ezlum Camhe
== Progression for Ezlum Camhe ==
Human Word Warrior
Teleporting to the ruins of their mountain headquarters, a brief query of the neighboring villages revealed that the sect had died out many generations ago. Disheartened, Harrow searched the sect's headquarters and found a manual of Word Warrior technique. Knowing his disciple's aptitude for books, Harrow returned to his tower and presented Ezlum with his findings. The youth was overjoyed, and decided to become a Word Warrior on the spot. Harrow, worrying of what might lie in store for a youthful warrior with no practical training, enrolled the child in a nearby fighter's school.
Fighter's school was hard for the young man, as unlike the other pupils, he possessed a body built on a childhood of reading books and receiving grammar lessons. However, the young man applied himself to the study of the martial with his usual academic vigor. Several years later, Ezlum graduated from the fighting school, slightly strongertoughened by the experience, and well-versed in combat. Wielding his mother's ribbon dagger, Dr. Harrow's lexological teachings, and the manual of the Word Warriors, Ezlum Camhe decided to seek what fortunes his strange skill-set would bring in the world.
'''Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments):''' ===Stats and Race===
'''Race Starting Ability Scores (TemplatesBefore Racial Adjustments):'''Str: 10 Dex: 12 Con: 14 / Int: 18 Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10
''Starting Racial Traits'Race, Class:''' Human, Word Warrior
{| class="d20" style="text-align'''Starting Racial Traits: left;" {{#vardefine'''* ''[[SRD: oddHumanoid Type|0}}Humanoid]] (Human)''* ''[[SRD:Medium|- style="text-alignMedium]]'': center;"! rowspan="2" | ECL! rowspan="2" | Class/HD/LA! rowspan="2" | As [[BABSRD:Medium|Base<br/>Attack BonusMedium]]creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.! colspan="3" | * Human [[SRD:Saving ThrowBase Land Speed|Saving Throwbase land speed]]sis 30 feet.! rowspan="2" | * 1 extra [[SRD:Feats! rowspan="2" | Class<br/>Features! rowspan="2" | Specialfeat]] at 1st level.|- style="text-align: center;"! * 4 extra [[SRD:Saving Throw#FortitudeSkill Points|Fortskill points]] || at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.* ''[[SRD:Saving Throw#ReflexAutomatic Language|RefAutomatic Language]] || '': Common. ''[[SRD:Saving Throw#WillBonus Language|WillBonus Languages]]|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"| 1st || <- class, racial HD, or LA -> || + || + || + || + || <- feat:'' Any (s) -> || <- class features gained -> || <- other stuff ->|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"| 2nd || <- classthan secret languages, racial HD, or LA -> such as [[SRD:Druid|| + || + || + || + || <- feat(sDruid]]ic) -> . See the [[SRD:Speak Language Skill|| <- class features gained -> || <- other stuff ->Speak Language]] skill.* ''[[SRD:Favored Class|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"Favored Class]]'': Any. When determining whether a [[SRD:Multiclass Characters| 3rd || <- class, racial HDmulticlass]] human takes an experience point penalty, his or LA her highest-> || + || + || + || + || <- feat(s) -> |level [[SRD:Class| <- class features gained -> || <- other stuff ->|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"| 4th || <- class, racial HD, or LA -> || + || + || + || + || <- feat(s) -> || <- class features gained -> || <- other stuff -><!-- repeat as needed -->|}]] does not count.
=== Other Components Choices by Level===
<- anything not covered by the previous sections ->'''Level 1'''* Feats: [[Spiritual_Weapon_(3.5e_Feat)|Spiritual Weapon]] (Ribbon Blade), [[Exotic Weapon Proficiency]] (Ribbon Blade) (Human race feat).* Languages: Common, 4 others?* Effect words: Lek, Thro.* Notable Gear: [[Ribbon Dagger]] (30 gp), [[Studded Leather Armor]] (25 gp), [[Shortbow]] (30 gp)
== Highlights ==