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Shadow Pact (3.5e Feat)

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 12/2/2016
Status: Complete
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Shadow Pact [Multiclass] Your pact now extends to the nebulous higher powers of the Shadow Plane.Prerequisites: Ability to use 2nd-level Mysteries; Eldritch Blast 2d6; Ability to use Least invocations; Knowledge (The Planes) 9 ranks.Benefit: Your Shadowcaster and Warlock levels stack for the purposes of determining your caster level for both classes, your Eldritch Blast damage, and when you gain improved damage reduction, Fiendish Resilience, Deceive/Imbue Item, Umbral Sight, Sustaining Shadow and Bonus Fundamentals. Special: A Shadowcaster can gain this as one of his bonus feats.

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