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SRD:Crossbow Bolts

This material is published under the OGL
Bolts, Crossbow (10, Heavy, Light, and Hand)
Range Increment:
Hardness: 5
Size Cost1 Damage Weight1 hp1
Fine * * *
Diminutive * * *
Tiny * * *
Small 1 gp 1/2 lb. *
Medium 1 gp 1 lb. *
Large 2 gp 2 lb. *
Huge * * *
Gargantuan * * *
Colossal * * *
  1. For values marked with an asterisk, the SRD directly gives neither this value nor a means to determine it.


A crossbow bolt used as a melee weapon is treated as a light improvised weapon (–4 penalty on attack rolls) and deals damage as a dagger of its size (crit ×2). Bolts come in a wooden case that holds 10 bolts (or 5, for a repeating crossbow). A bolt that hits its target is destroyed; one that misses has a 50% chance of being destroyed or lost.

Prices and weights are for ten bolts.


Heavy, Light, and Hand Crossbow Bolt Material Enhancements
Material Average Masterwork1 Hardness hp2 Special
Steel and Wood 1 gp 61 gp 5 *
Adamantine 601 gp 5 * Bypass hardness less than 20
Deep Crystal 201 gp 10 * Psionic
Mundane Crystal 61 gp 8 * No rusting
Darkwood 71 gp 5 * 1/2 weight
Iron, Cold 2 gp 62 gp 5 * Magical enchantments cost an additional 400 gp.
Mithral 501 gp 5 * 1/2 weight
Silver, Alchemical 21 gp 81 gp 5 * −1 damage
  1. Masterwork weapons have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls.
  2. For values marked with an asterisk, the SRD gives neither this value nor a means to determine it.
Magical/Psionic Weapon Enhancements
Bonus Value Additional Cost1 Hardness Increase2 Additional hp2
+1 +400 gp +2 +10
+2 +1,600 gp +4 +20
+3 +3,600 gp +6 +30
+4 +6,400 gp +8 +40
+5 +10,000 gp +10 +50
+6 +14,400 gp3 +12 +60
+7 +19,600 gp3 +14 +70
+8 +25,600 gp3 +16 +80
+9 +32,400 gp3 +18 +90
+10 +40,000 gp3 +20 +100
+11 or more + bonus × bonus
× 4,000 gp
+ enhancement bonus × 2 + enhancement bonus × 10
  1. Increase total cost for magical enhancement by 40 gp per unit for cold iron ammunition.
  2. Unlike the additional cost, the increase the weapon's hardness and hit points are only gained from its enhancement bonus, not its special abilities.
  3. If the weapon has a magical bonus greater than +5 or a special ability worth more than +5, the weapon is epic. Multiply magic cost by 10.

See AlsoEdit

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