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Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Craft Masterwork Armor

< Publication:Unearthed Arcana
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Craft Masterwork Armor [Item Creation] You are trained in the creation of fine armor and shieldsPrerequisites: Craft (armorsmithing) 6 ranks.Benefit: You gain 100 craft points. You may use craft points to create masterwork armor or shields.

You may spend your craft points to build masterwork armor or shields at a rate of 1 craft point per 10 gp of market value of the finished item (minimum 1), even without spending the requisite creation time at work on the item. Normal: Characters without this feat can only craft nonmasterwork armor and shields.Special: If you take the requisite creation time at work on the item, you spend only 1 craft point per 50 gp of market value of the finished item (minimum 1).

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