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Actions in CombatEdit
The 4.0 version of the GnG system adds a few new types of actions for use in combat.
Actions TypesEdit
The GnG combat system adds a new action type: the abort action.
- Abort Action
Abort actions allow you to perform a defensive action when it is not your turn. Four abort actions exist: Block, Dive for Cover, Maintain Footing, and Roll with Blow.
Each time you use an abort action, it uses up a move action from your next turn. If you perform an abort action a second time, it uses up your standard action, and so on. When you run out of available actions on your next turn, you may perform no more abort actions that round (and you have no actions to perform when your turn comes).
You may not perform abort actions while flat-footed.
Example: An opponent hits you with his knife. To protect yourself, you perform the abort action, Block. This uses up your move action on your next turn. When your turn comes, you have a standard action left.
In another instance, an enemy hurls an explosive at you. You Dive for Cover as an abort action. This uses up your move action on your next turn. A second explosive lands near you, so you Dive for Cover again. You had a standard action left on your next turn, but the second Dive for Cover expends it. Now, when your turn arrives, you can perform no actions.
Free ActionsEdit
The GnG combat system adds a new free action: Quick Stand.
- Quick Stand
A quick stand occurs when you try to stand up as a free action. You perform a flip, kip-up, roll, or other tumbling feat to recover your footing in an instant.
To perform a quick stand, you make a Tumble check against DC 20. If successful, you stand up without having to expend a move action.
Quick Stand provokes an attack of opportunity from opponents who threaten you. You may attempt Quick Stand only once per round.
Abort ActionsEdit
Abort actions are defensive actions that you may perform when it is not your turn.
- Block
Block is an abort action that permits you to deflect an opponent’s melee attack.
In order to Block, you must meet the following requirements:
- You are not flat-footed, stunned, held, entangled, or in any other situation that causes you to lose your Dexterity modifier to AC (if any).
- You are aware of the attack you wish to block and can perceive it with a primary sense, like sight for a human. (It is not possible for you to block attacks from invisible opponents or in total darkness, if you have no extraordinary means of detecting the attack.)
If you meet the criteria, you and your opponent make opposed attack rolls with your respective weapons. If the weapons are different sizes, the combatant with the larger weapon gets a bonus on the attack roll of +4 per difference in size category. If the combatants are different sizes, the larger combatant gets a bonus on the attack roll of +4 per difference in size category.
If you roll equal to or higher than your opponent does, the attack is blocked and you suffer no damage.
If you roll lower than your opponent does, the attack hits you. (Use the Relative Degree of the original attack roll, not the opposed Block roll.)
Against a particular attack, you may Block only once.
Wielding a Shield: Using a shield makes it easier for you to block an opponent’s attack. If you wield a shield, add its shield and enhancement bonus (if any) to your attack roll.
If you wield a small shield or larger, you may attempt to block thrown weapons, crossbow bolts, and arrows.
If you wield a tower shield, you may attempt to block any ranged attacks, including energy beams.
Touch Attacks: You may not Block touch attacks.
Flanking: You may not Block blows from an opponent that has flanked you.
Exception: If you have an ability that lets you retain your Dexterity bonus while flat-footed, such as Uncanny Dodge, then you may Block while flat-footed.
- Dive for Cover
Dive for Cover is an abort action that permits you to try to reduce the damage from an area-effect attack. You leap for the nearest available cover and huddle beneath it.
In order to Dive for Cover, you must meet the following requirements:
- You are not flat-footed, stunned, held, entangled, or in any other situation that causes you to lose your Dexterity modifier to AC (if any).
- You are aware of the attack and can perceive it with a primary sense, like sight for a human. (It is not possible for you to Dive for Cover against attacks from invisible opponents or in total darkness, if you have no extraordinary means of detecting the attack.)
- The area-effect attack permits a Reflex saving throw.
If you meet the criteria, you perform a Jump check against the Reflex save DC of the attack. For each point you beat the attack’s save DC, you convert one point of lethal damage into nonlethal damage.
For example, you Dive for Cover against an explosion that would normally inflict 20 points of lethal damage. The explosion’s Reflex save DC is 20. You roll a 26 on your Jump check, beating the DC by 6 points. You convert 6 points of lethal damage to nonlethal damage.
You may perform Dive for Cover against any area- effect attack that permits a Reflex saving throw, even if you failed the initial Reflex save against the attack.
Against a particular attack, you may Dive for Cover only once.
No Cover: If your GM rules that no cover is available, you may attempt to cast yourself flat on the ground and cover your head, or you try to leap outside the edge of the attack’s area of effect. In this case, you suffer a -10 penalty on your Jump check.
Exception: If you have an ability that lets you retain your Dexterity bonus while flat-footed, such as Uncanny Dodge, then you may Dive for Cover while flat-footed.
- Maintain Footing
Maintain Footing is an abort action that permits you to keep standing and hold your ground, when an opponent would normally push you backwards or knock you prone. You use this abort action when an opponent makes a successful Bull Rush, Trip, Throw, or similar melee attack action.
In order to Maintain Footing, you must meet the following requirements:
- You are not flat-footed, stunned, held, entangled, or in any other situation that causes you to lose your Dexterity modifier to AC (if any).
- You are aware of the attack and can perceive it with a primary sense, like sight for a human. (It is not possible for you to Maintain Footing against attacks from invisible opponents or in total darkness, if you have no extraordinary means of detecting the attack.)
If you meet the criteria, you make a Balance check opposed by your enemy’s attack roll. If the combatants are different sizes, the larger combatant gets a bonus on the attack roll of +4 per difference in size category.
If you roll higher than your opponent does, you are not knocked prone by the attack or forced to move. You still suffer any damage from the attack (except a Throw).
If you fail the roll, the attack affects you normally.
Against a particular attack, you may Maintain Footing only once.
Flanking: You may not Maintain Footing against an opponent that has flanked you.
Exception: If you have an ability that lets you retain your Dexterity bonus while flat-footed, such as Uncanny Dodge, then you may Maintain Footing while flat-footed.
- Roll with Blow
Roll with Blow is an abort action that permits you to try to reduce the damage from a melee attack that has hit you. You attempt to move with the force of the blow and soften its effects.
In order to Roll with Blow, you must meet the following requirements:
- You are not flat-footed, stunned, held, entangled, or in any other situation that causes you to lose your Dexterity modifier to AC (if any).
- You are aware of the attack and can perceive it with a primary sense, like sight for a human. (It is not possible for you to Roll with Blow against attacks from invisible opponents or in total darkness, if you have no extraordinary means of detecting the attack.)
- The attack is a melee attack.
If you meet the criteria, you perform a Tumble check opposed by your enemy’s attack roll. If the combatants are different sizes, the larger combatant gets a bonus on the roll of +4 per difference in size category.
For each point you beat your opponent’s attack roll, you convert one point of lethal damage into one point of nonlethal damage. For example, if you beat your opponent’s roll by 10 points, you convert 10 points of lethal damage into nonlethal damage.
Apply the effects of Roll with Blow after totaling damage, and applying Relative Degree and Protection.
Against a particular attack, you may Roll with Blow only once.
Block and Roll: If you fail to Block a melee attack, you may attempt to roll with it.
Touch Attacks: You may not Roll with Blow against touch attacks.
Flanking: You may not Roll with Blow against an opponent that has flanked you.
Exception: If you have an ability that lets you retain your Dexterity bonus while flat-footed, such as Uncanny Dodge, then you may Roll with Blow while flat-footed.
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