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New FeatsEdit

Augment Animations [General] Prerequisites: Created a NecrolingBenefit: Undead you create through your spells (animate dead, create undead, etc.) gain +1 hit point per die and a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Fearful Advantage [General] Prerequisites: Created a NecrolingBenefit: The creature gains a +3 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against opponents who are shaken, frightened, or panicked.

Strength of the Grave [General] Prerequisites: Undead Type, Base Attack Bonus +2Benefit: An undead that has been successfully turned and is fleeing or cowering can attempt a Will save (DC equal to the turning check that turned it). If successful, the undead creature is no longer turned, but is frightened and takes a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks for the remainder of the time it would have been turned. If the save fails, the undead creature can attempt a new save each round, but the save DC increases by +1 each time. A creature that breaks the turning effect can be turned again.

Strengthen Undead [General] Prerequisites: Created a Necroling, Spellcraft ranks 12+Benefit: Choose a spell of 2nd-level or greater. As a standard action, you channel its energies to a single undead creature you can see. The energy grants a turn resistance of +1 per 2 spell levels used (round down, maximum of +4). An undead creature cannot be strengthened in this manner more than once in a 24 hour period.

Undead Sensitivity [General] Prerequisites: Created a NecrolingBenefit: At will, you can detect undead (as the spell).

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