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Possessed (3.5e Feat)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 1-26-18
Status: Complete
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Possessed [General] To imagine the great demon Malbloodfanggore reduced to this pitiful human shell. I will regain my power somehow...Prerequisites: 1st level onlyBenefit: Your character is actually a possessing spirit alien to the body you are in. Be you ghost, demon, alien presence, or whatever you are bound to your body with various benefits and penalties. Since you are already possessed, you cannot be possessed again nor have your soul removed from your body such as magic jar. If you perish, you cannot be revived but others can perform a special ritual you can teach them which allows you to possess a new body, effectively duplicating reincarnate including casting time and cost. You catch up to others 24 hours after the ritual in your new body. Your allies can attempt to find you a specific body (within the limits of reincarnate) to let you choose your new form but doing so intentionally to a sapient creature is often an evil act.

While you are immune to permanent exorcism, abilities which suppress or remove possession release the body from your control. The original personality is certainly antagonistic to your will and will likely seek out means of stopping you until control is reestablished, though they will not engage in self-harm. Permanent exorcism can only eject you for up to 24 hours before you regain control.

You may count as a particular type of incorporeal undead, fey, outsider, or similar being or "spirit"-like creature for the purpose of pre-requisites. Example: You are a Human Rogue 8, but you perish in battle. Your ally performs the ritual and 24 hours later you walk in on your allies as the Halfling Rogue 8.

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