Phaseshifter (3.5e Template)
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Strange creatures often mistaken for ghost people, phaseshifter have the unique ability to phase through matter. A phaseshifter look exactly like the base creature, they behave much like the base creature however they tend to be much more agile and mobile. Advanced phasehsifters are capable of phasing matter alongside them, allowing for interesting fighting styles and trickery.
Creating a PhaseshifterEdit
Phaseshifter is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal creature.
Size and Type: If the phaseshifter type was humanoid, monstrous humanoid, animal or magical beast it type change to aberration (augmented former type). Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, hit points or skill points. Size is unchanged.
Ability Scores: A phasehsifter gain a +4 bonus on dexterity and charisma.
Skills: A phasehsifter's abilities allow her to be incredibly agile by partially phasing out muscles and mass, granting her a +8 bonus on dexterity-based and strength]-based skill checks.
Special Attacks: A phaseshifter gain the following special attacks:
Phaseshift (Su): A phaseshifter's signature ability is the ability to phase through matter. Her phaseshift ability is limited to touch range. Access to some phasehifting ability is limited by ECL.
- Partial Phaseshift: As a swift action the phaseshifter gain the benefit as if she had the etherweave arms , etherweave legs and etherweave torso grafts. She do however gain any negative effects of those grafts and the miss chance stack with the miss chance naturally granted by this template. This ability last for 2 rounds.
- Phaseout Structure: As a standard action a phaseshifter may partially phaseout the structure of an object, replicating the effect of weakening with a range of touch.
- Basic Phasehift: The phaseshifter gain the incorporeal template for up to a number of round equal to her ECL. All items she carried on her are also made incorporeal alongside her if she wishes so, she may select which object is carried along and which are not as a free action. The phasehsifter's ECL must be 5 or higher in order to use this phaseshift.
- Phaseout Objects: The phaseshifter gain the ability to make any unattended object she touches weightless, the objects may not be more than two size category larger than her. If she become incorporeal through the use of her phaseshift ability the touched object is also incorporeal for as long as she touch it. The phasehsifter's ECL must be 5 or higher in order to use this phaseshift.
- Phaseshift Other: As basic phaseshifting except on a touched creature instead of the phaseshifter. The phasehsifter may use phasehift other with the same action action she used for phaseshifting herself. If the phaseshifter and the target stop touching the target immediately become corporeal again. This ability may be used on unwilling targets however she must deliver a successful touch attack and the target is allowed a will save to negate the effect, additionally unless grappled or finding another way of maintaining the touch the unqilling target will only stay incorporeal for a moment. This ability is often used to disarm enemies with minimal efforts by making them incorporeal but keeping their weapon corporeal. The phasehsifter's ECL must be 5 or higher in order to use this phaseshift.
- Accelerated Phasehift: As basic phaseshift except usable as a move action. The phasehsifter's ECL must be 8 or higher in order to use this phaseshift.
- Swift Phaseshift: As basic phaseshift except usable as a swift action. The phasehsifter's ECL must be 12 or higher in order to use this phaseshift.
- Immediate Phaseshift: As basic phaseshift except usable as an immediate action. The phasehsifter's ECL must be 16 or higher in order to use this phaseshift.
Phasetouch (Su): A phaseshifter is capable of partially phaseshifting through her enemies and phasing out part of them, dealing massive damage. As an attack action a phasesifter may deliver a touch attack, if it hit it deal an amount of d6 equal to half the phaseshifter ECL and inflict 1 point of constitution damage per 3 points of the phaseshifter's ECL. A successful fortitude save halves the damage and negate the constitution damage. At ECL 12 the phaseshifter may inflict constitution burn instead of damage.
Special Qualities: A phaseshifter gain the following special qualities:
Average Shape (Ex) A phasehsifter still look and feel like a member of it previous type. Despite being aberration, a phasehsifter counts as it former type when it would be advantageous. For example, she can disguise herself as a creature of it former type without penalties.
Phasing Defense (Su): A phasehsifter always benefits from 20% miss chance because she can subconsciously phaseshift her body against incoming attacks. This ability is NOT bypassed by attacks that could normally hit a incorporeal creature.
Superior Incorporeality (Ex): A phaseshifter's incorporeality is superior to most, magic weapons only have a 25% chance of hitting an incorporeal phaseshifter instead of 50%. Ghost touch weapons will bypass the miss chances of her incorporeality as normal but still need to deal with her phasing defense ability.
Challenge Rating: +3
Level Adjustment: +3
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