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Mordant Shadows (3.5e Feat)

Author: DaTedinator
Date Created: January 12th, 2010
Status: Transferred
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Mordant Shadows [Tactical] You have studied under a master with a unique view of the Shadow Hand discipline. Rather than focusing on the chilling, deceptive nature of shadows, you have learned that even the strongest soul cannot withstand an eternal night, and have studied how to make use of this eroding nature of darkness.Prerequisites: BAB +4, three Shadow Hand maneuvers.Benefit: This feat enables the use of three new combat options.

  • Caustic Gloom: To use this option, you must initiate a Shadow Hand maneuver that would normally deal with cold damage. When initiating the maneuver, you may instead choose to have it deal with acid damage, whether that means dealing acid damage, granting acid resistance, or similar effects.
  • Erode the Soul: Whenever you successfully hit a foe with a Shadow Hand strike, you gain a +1 bonus to hit that foe in following rounds. Every successive successful Shadow Hand strike increases the bonus by +1, to a maximum of +5. The bonus disappears if you ever miss the foe, or if you go more than one round without attacking them.
  • Persistent Corrosion: To use this option, you must deal acid damage to a foe. On your next turn, you may take a move action and expend a Shadow Hand maneuver to deal 1d6 acid damage per level of the maneuver. You must be adjacent to the foe to be affected. The maneuver is expended exactly as if initiated, but without the normal effects. It may be recovered normally.

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