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Marilith Vision (3.5e Soulmeld)

Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 3/13/10
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Marilith Vision 
Descriptors: Evil, Chaotic
Classes: Demonsouled
Chakra: Arms, Blast, Crown, Soul
Saving Throw: See text

Your eyes become slitted, like a snake's.

You get a +4 bonus to Spot and Search checks. For every point of essentia you invest in this soulmeld, you get an additional +2 bonus to Spot and Search checks.  

Chakra Bind (Blast)

A careful observer may note that you don't actually touch the items you're holding.

You can make a ranged touch attack against one target within medium range as a standard action. If you hit, the target is knocked backwards 5 feet and takes 1d4 points of sonic damage per meldshaper level. For every point of essentia you have invested in Marilith Vision, the target is thrown backwards 5 additional feet. 

Chakra Bind (Crown)

You sprout a third eye in the middle of your forehead.

You can use detect magic at will. For every point of essentia invested in Marilith Vision, the range of this ability increases by 30 feet. 

Chakra Bind (Arms)

You sprout an additional pair of arms.

You gain two additional pair of arms. These arms get a -6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. For every point of essentia you have invested in Marilith Vision, those arms get a +2 bonus to Strength and Dexterity. 

Chakra Bind (Soul)

Your eyes turn completely white apart from the glowing blue slits.

You can use true seeing at will. For every point of essentia invested in Marilith Vision, the range of this ability increases by 120 feet.

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