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Limb Manifesto (3.5e Guide)/Shiva

< Limb Manifesto (3.5e Guide)


You are wrong, Quantity over Quality! As the name suggests, the shiva build is all about being a many-limbed creature. Players that want to acquire more than six arms, are not troubled as much by how to get more arms, but more so, how to balance weapons with arms, and what feats exploit extra arms the best. The below build is one of many potential way to do so. Gaining eighteen arms, all with equally powerful weapons, and an average damage per round of 2,803.5!



Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): Str18, Dex14, Con12, Int8, Wis14, Cha8 (32 point buy)

Lesser Thri-Kreen:


  • Hardy: +1 bonus on Fortitude saves; but, -1 penalty on Reflex saves.


  • Shaky: You take a −2 penalty on all ranged attack rolls.
  • Weak Will: You take a −3 penalty on Will saves.
ECL Class Ability Scores BAB AC/Flat/Touch Saving Throws Feats Gold and Gear
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Fort Ref Will Pre Transaction Post
1st Boar-Barbarian 1 21 16 12 6 14 4 +1 15/12/13 +4 +2 -1 Diehard1, Practiced Attacker, Product of Infernal Dalliance, Variant Extra Rage 140 two Scimitars(-30) 110
2nd Fighter 1 21 16 12 6 14 4 +2 15/12/13 +6 +2 -1 Two-Weapon Fighting1 2030 2030
3rd Fighter 2 21 16 12 6 14 4 +3 15/12/13 +7 +2 -1 Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Defense1 4590 4590
4th Fighter 3 22 16 12 6 14 4 +4 15/12/13 +7 +3 +0 7790 7790
5th Fighter 4 22 16 12 6 14 4 +5 15/12/13 +7 +3 +0 Psionic Weapon 12,270 one +2Scimitar(-8315) 3955
6th Cleric 1 22 16 12 6 14 4 +6/+1 15/12/13 +9 +3 +2 Greater Psionic Weapon, Variant Weapon Focus1 10,355 one +2Scimitar(-8315) 2040
7th Sivatar 1 22 16 12 6 14 4 +7/+2 15/12/13 +11 +5 +2 Multiweapon Fighting1 11,640 one +2Scimitar(-8315) 3325
8th Sivatar 2 25 16 12 6 14 4 +8/+3 15/12/13 +12 +6 +2 16,125 Gauntlets of Ogre Power(-4000), one +2Scimitar(-8315) 3810
9th Sivatar 3 25 16 12 6 14 4 +9/+4 15/12/13 +12 +6 +3 Improved Multiweapon Fighting 19,810 19,810
10th Sivatar 4 31 16 12 6 14 4 +10/+5 15/12/13 +13 +7 +3 42,210 Belt of Giant Strength+6(-36,000) 6210
11th Sivatar 5 31 16 12 6 14 4 +11/+6/+1 15/12/13 +13 +7 +3 38,210 one +4Scimitar(-32,315) 5895
12th Sivatar 6 34 16 12 6 14 4 +12/+7/+2 15/12/13 +14 +8 +4 Extra Arms 53,895 Ioun Stone, pale blue(-8000), one +4Scimitar(-32,315) 13,580
13th Sivatar 7 34 16 12 6 14 4 +13/+8/+3 15/12/13 +14 +8 +4 77,580 one +6Scimitar(-72,315) 5265
14th Sivatar 8 34 16 12 6 16 4 +14/+9/+4 15/12/13 +15 +9 +5 Greater Multiweapon Fighting1 85,265 Ioun Stone, incandescent blue(-8000), one +6Scimitar(-72,315) 4950
15th Sivatar 9 34 16 16 6 16 4 +15/+10/+5 15/12/13 +17 +9 +6 Extra Arms 116,950 Amulet of Health+4(-16,000), one +6Scimitar(-72,315) 28,635
16th Sivatar 10 39 16 16 6 16 4 +16/+11/+6/+1 15/12/13 +18 +10 +6 188,635 Manual of Gainful Exercise+4(-110,000), one +6Scimitar(-72,315) 6320
17th Nataraja 1 39 16 18 6 20 4 +16/+11/+6/+1 20/12/18 +19 +12 +10 246,320 Periapt of Wisdom+4(-16,000), Ioun Stone, pink(-8000), three +6Scimitars(-216,945) 5375
18th Nataraja 2 39 20 18 6 20 4 +17/+12/+7/+2 22/12/20 +19 +15 +11 Extra Arms 325,375 sell: two Scimitars(+15); buy: Gloves of Dexterity+4(-16,000), four +6Scimitars(-289,260) 20,130
19th Nataraja 3 39 20 22 6 20 4 +18/+13/+8/+3 22/12/20 +22 +15 +11 420,130 sell: four +2Scimitars(+16,630); buy: Manual of Bodily Health+4(-110,000), four +6Scimitars(-433,890) 35,185
20th Nataraja 4 40 24 22 6 20 4 +19/+14/+9/+4 24/12/22 +22 +18 +12 595,185 sell: two +4Scimitars(+32,315); buy: Manual of Quickness in Action(-110,000), three +6Scimitars(-72,315) 412,870
  1. Bonus feat from class

Class Features of NoteEdit


Select the Trickery and War cleric domains



+14 Balance (5r+7Dex+2sy)
-5 Bluff (1r-6Cha)
+16 Climb (1r+15Str)
+0 Disguise (4r-6Cha+2kit)
+8 Hide (1r+7Dex)
-3 Intimidate (1r-6Cha+2sy)
+18 Jump (1r+15Str+2sy)
+1 Knowledge(religion) (5r-4Int)
+15 Perform(dance) (8r+7Dex)
+16 Swim +16(1r+15Str)
+15 Tumble (8r+7Dex)

Ability Scores: Str40, Dex24, Con22, Int6, Wis20, Cha4

  • Str and Con are raised by 4 when in a rage

HP: 15d8+4d10+1d12+40(136)

  • +40 temp HP when raging
  • fast healing 14 (Lasya Dance)

AC: 10Base+7Dex+5Wis(see nataraja)+2natural+18(multiweapon defense) = 42

  • -2 to AC when raging
  • +2 to AC when in trance

BAB: +19/+14/+9/+4

Saves: fort+23, ref+18, will+12

  • +2 to Will saves when raging

Rage 12/day

Speed: 30’


Arms (4natural+4class A+6feat+2spell+2class B), 18 total:

  • Attack: 19BAB+6(weapon)+15(Str)+2(rage)+2(weapon focus)+1(synchronicity)-2(multi attack)= +43/+38/+33/+28
  • Damage: 1d6(base)+6(weapon)+15(Str)+2(rage)+4(weapon focus)+4d6(greater psionic weapon)= 44.5 Slashing
    • all arms wield +6Scimitars (homogeny exists to reduce the amount of math after every minor change, you are encouraged to buy more variety).

DPR, against AC 40: 2,803.5

  • Arms 1 through 18 Deal: ca. 155.75 per round (each)
    • Math: 1st(5d6+27)=44.5x.80=35.6, 1stcrit(44.5x2)=89x.15=13.35; 2nd(5d6+27)=44.5x.75=33.375, 2ndcrit(44.5x2)=89x.15=13.35; 3rd(5d6+27)=44.5x.50=22.25, 3rdcrit(44.5x2)=89x.15=13.35; 4th(5d6+27)=44.5x.25=11.125, 4thcrit(44.5x2)=89x.15=13.35
Limb Break Down by Level
Level Arms Arm notes Weapons Weapons Available
1st 2 Has two additional very weak arms (cannot attack). 2 two Scimitars
2nd 2 2 two Scimitars
3rd 4 Two arms weak (can use weapons one size smaller). 2 two Scimitars
4th 4 2 two Scimitars
5th 4 3 two Scimitars, one +2Scimitar
6th 4 All arms are at full strength. 4 two Scimitars, two +2Scimitars
7th 5 5 two Scimitars, three +2Scimitars
8th 5 6 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars
9th 5 6 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars
10th 6 6 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars
11th 6 7 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars, one +4Scimitar
12th 8 8 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars, two +4Scimitars
13th 9 9 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars, two +4Scimitars, one +6Scimitar
14th 9 10 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars, two +4Scimitars, two +6Scimitars
15th 11 11 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars, two +4Scimitars, three +6Scimitars
16th 12 The cleric spell dopple arms gives two temporary arms. 12 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars, two +4Scimitars, four +6Scimitars
17th 13 15 two Scimitars, four +2Scimitars, two +4Scimitars, seven +6Scimitars
18th 15 17 four +2Scimitars, two +4Scimitars, eleven +6Scimitars
19th 15 17 two +4Scimitars, fifteen +6Scimitars
20th 16 18 eighteen +6Scimitars



  • Bluff -5
  • Disguise +0
  • Hide +8



Challenging MonstersEdit

Side NotesEdit


Unless in a completely unnatural environment, this build will receive more than the occasional stare. Disguises and invisibility can help keep off the mobs, but of course, impend the builds ability to deal damage. The party will more than likely see the builds true form after the first battle. This does not mean they will know it is your true form (you can always fool them into thinking it is a monstrous wildshape, cursed form, etc.); but it may be to your advantage to inform at least one of your party members of your “ailment” – letting them know that you need their help making a disguise in public areas.

Anything with more than 2750HP, will have to patiently wait another round. This amounts to about 10 level 20 characters, with high hit points or AC.

Tricks for the DMEdit


The harmless form feat helps one become more sociable without depending on outside support.

The berserker class is much better than the traditional barbarian.