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Hurricane Surge Blast (3.5e Feat)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 25th December 2016
Status: Finished
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Hurricane Surge Blast [Monk] Prerequisites: Monk 3rd, Stunning FistBenefit: As a swift action you can spend 1 stunning fist attempt to create a powerful blast of ki and wind. You make a single Bull Rush within 30 ft, you may use your Wisdom (or any ability replacing it for your monk abilities) instead of your Strength for that Bull Rush. If you win the Bull Rush you do not follow your opponent and deal your unarmed strike damage to them, you may push it away or siphon it toward you. If you win by 10 or more while pushing, your opponent is affected as if under Hurricane-strength wind effect. If an opponent is siphoned into your square you may take an attack of opportunity against it, it then land in the nearest free adjacent square.

You may use this ability as a standard action, if you do you affect all creatures within a 30 feet cone or a single opponent within 60 feet. If you do as a full-round action you may affect all creature in a 60 feet cone or a 20 feet radius centered on you. If you affect multiple creature with your wind blast you must either push them all away or siphon them all toward you.

You may also aim the attack below you as a swift action, replicating the effect of the updraftSpC spell. Special: A Monk may select this feat as their 6th level Bonus Feat if they possess Stunning Fist.

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