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Gatebound Fate (3.5e Sacrifice)

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 4/24/2017
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Gatebound Fate
Entropic Wanderer Greater; 6th

As a standard action, you can activate this sacrifice. In doing so, you can choose a number of targets within Medium range up to 1 per caster level. All targets must be within Close range of at least one other target. Once the targets are chosen, each must make a Will save (DC 16 + your Wis modifier).

The targets that fail their saves are linked together. When you deal Entropy damage to any of the targets, the other targets are also subject to the damage, though targets beyond the target struck with the damage are allowed a Will save (At the same DC as above) to reduce the damage by half.

The targets are also linked as if by the Regress ability. This is especially deadly when combined with the Steal Time sacrifice, allowing you to steal time from multiple linked targets at once.

Maximum Health Penalty: −5 per target

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