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Freedom Caster (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 8-10-14
Status: Complete
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Freedom CasterEdit

The Freedom Caster uses the Functional Weapons of Legacy variant rule.

Freedom Caster
Price: 2035 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong Universal (DC 30)
Activation: See Text
Weight: 4 lb

This garish crossbow is mostly metal and painted in bright red, white, and blue colors. When in use apparently pointless flames, sparks, and thundercracks emit from the tip.

The Freedom Caster is a weapon of legacy light crossbow associated with the "holiday spirits" of Independance Day. It starts out as a +1 light crossbow which emits bright lights and loud sounds when used, making it an unsubtle weapon to be sure. It makes an effective signal, as the bolts fired shed light like a torch and the explosive pops can be heard up to 1 mile away. As various rituals are made and power is gained, the weapon starts taking on stronger powers. There are five rituals that are performed, they must be performed in order (the 2nd ritual must be completed before you start the 3rd, even if you achieve the 3rd level pre-requisites). Rituals cost gold (in the form of feeding the weapon raw materials) and xp, with an additional pre-requisite. Once the 1st level ritual is unlocked, the weapon displays its omen effect. You can take time out and spend 8 hours bringing the weapon to the next level once you have the pre-requisites.

The Freedom Caster is a unique magic item, on its way to becoming an artifact. While it has a price, it cannot be completely destroyed. If reduced to 0 hp, it instead falls inert in a broken condition, and unable to be used until repaired, but is not destroyed as items usually are. It is treated as an artifact against the effects of mage's disjunction.

Omen: When wielded in any kind of combat situation, the crossbow plays a pompous and bombastic form of the user's national anthem, or a generic but equally powerful sounding musical track if the wielder lacks a nation. While this invokes a -10 penalty on Move Silently checks, the wielder is immune to emotion-based penalties while it plays (such as that from crushing despair).

1st Ritual (Dawn's Early Light)Edit

Morale Boost: When wielding the Freedom Caster, all morale bonuses are increased by +1.

Needs More Dakka: The Freedom Caster gains the QuickloadingMIC enhancement. This doesn't count against it's total weapon enhancements it can have or its price.

Tagging Shot: As a standard action you can fire a single shot. If it hits, the bolt sticks in the target and proceeds to spray sparks and make lots of noise, invoking a -20 penalty to Hide and Move Silently. The bolt can be removed as a move action, which deals as must damage as the bolt did on impact. Removing the bolt stops the sparks and noise.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +3, must be first in initiative or in a surprise round, and then single a creature on your first turn with your crossbow.

Cost: 2000 gp, 80 xp

2nd Ritual (Rocket's Red Glare)Edit

Firecracker: As a standard action the Freedom Caster can fire a single attack, which if it hits deals 1d6 fire damage per BAB, and has the effect of a thunderstone. The Fortitude save DC is 10 + 1/2 HD + ability modifier for ranged attacks (typically Dexterity).

Glory Fire: Attacks with the Freedom Caster now deal an additional number of points of fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum +1). This extra damage is multiplied on a critical hit as normal.

Symbol of Hope: You gain the ability to use bless at will, with a caster level equal to your character level.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +6, must get two confirmed critical hits with your crossbow in a single encounter.

Cost: 8000 gp, 320 xp

3rd Ritual (Bombs Bursting in Air)Edit

Bang Rounds: The Freedom Caster is particularly powerful in close range. If you hit a target within 10 ft, you get a free bull rush attempt using your ability modifier for attack rolls (usually Dexterity) for the bull rush. You do not follow your opponent through the bull rush.

Explosive Firecracker: The firecracker ability now can explode in a 20 ft radius burst after it hits, dealing damage and the thunderstone effect to all in the area. Creatures get a Reflex save for half damage, except for the creature hit by the ranged attack roll. The DC is the same as the thunderstone effect.

National Hero: Your reputation (if using the reputation system) and effective level for Leadership improve by +1 as long as your own Freedom Caster, and you gain a +6 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks with members of your nation, and +6 Intimidate and +2 on attack and damage rolls for members of any opposing nations. If you lack a nation, you may assign one national or racial group to be your allies, and one group to be your enemies.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +9, must deal at least 90 points of fire damage to a single creature in 1 round, any source.

Cost: 18,000 gp, 720 xp

4th Ritual (Land of the Free)Edit

Blinding Lightshow: The Freedom Caster's shots (including it's firecracker ability) now dazzle a target for 1 minute on a successful hit. On a successful critical hit they are blinded for 1 round, then dazzled for 1 minute. All of Freedom Caster's attacks are considered to be [Light] effects as well as their original type of damage for the purpose of vulnerabilities.

Contrail Missile: As a standard action you can fire a single shot which makes a single attack roll against all creatures in a 120 ft line. As an option you can choose to have the shot spray thick colored smoke in its wake, forming a wall of smoke which obscures sight and fills a 5 ft space (and 5 ft tall). The smoke lasts for 10 minutes before dispersing.

Free At Last: While wielding the Freedom Caster you are immune to charm and compulsion effects, and may take a standard action at will to come under the effect of freedom of movement for 1 round.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +12, must liberate at least four people from the control or command of a superior. They do not need to be willing, or grateful.

Cost: 32,000 gp, 1280 xp

5th Ritual (Home of the Brave)Edit

Brave Heroics: You are immune to fear, and whenever subject to a fear effect you are instead emboldened, gaining a +4 morale bonus on attack and damage against the source of the fear effect for 1 minute.

Grand Finale: This attack requires 3 rounds of concentration (as ending it early is dangerous). On the first round, you duplicate the effects of explosive firecracker, but the area continues to hiss and spark for 1 full round. Creatures moving into the area of effect are subject to damage as if hit by explosive firecracker, but those already inside do not take further damage.

On the second round emanating from the point of impact two additional firecracker shots fly out in any direction. Explosions can overlap, but the two shots must fire at different targets or the ground. Those who fail the Reflex save are also blinded for 1 round.

On the third round, each of these explosions emits two more shots each (for a total of four shots). Those who fail the Reflex saves are blinded for 1d4 rounds, and the dramatic crescendo inspires all allies in 90 ft of the wielder, granting them the effect of aid at a caster level equal to your character level.

It's important not to lose concentration, for if you fail to concentrate the effect ends prematurely and the Freedom Caster explodes as if you used explosive firecracker centered on yourself. The effect deals half the damage as normal, and you do get a Reflex save to halve the damage again.

Illuminate the Sky: As a swift action, you can turn all the fire damage from the crossbow into [Light] damage for 1 round. It also makes dispel checks against any [Darkness] effect its shots pass through, using your character level as your caster level.

Pre-Requisites: BAB +15, must convince a group of at least 20 creatures to perform some dangerous life-threatening task when they otherwise would not. In addition, they must succeed on this task.

Cost: 50,000 gp, 2000 xp

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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