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Expanded Psicrystal Personalities (3.5e Variant Rule)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: March 25, 2016
Status: Sans author box
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Expanded Psicrystal PersonalitiesEdit

Here is some psicrystal personalities which are in addition to the standard SRD ones, covering new benefits and skills otherwise unavailable, and including homebrew spells and abilities.

Psicrystal PersonalitiesEdit
Expanded Psicrystal Personalities
Personality Benefit to Owner
Actor +3 bonus on Disguise checks.
Analyst +3 bonus on Disable Device checks.
Chatterbox Learn three extra languages, and you may choose any language (except secret ones).
Clingy +3 bonus on Climb checks
Co-operative +3 bonus on Ride checks.
Corrupt +3 bonus on Forgery checks.
Dodgy +1 dodge bonus to AC.
Economist +3 bonus on Appraise checks, and appraising for 1 hour duplicates the effect of identify.
Empathic +3 bonus on Handle Animal checks.
Entertainer +3 bonus on Perform checks.
Excited +3 bonus on Jump checks.
Fidgety +3 bonus on Tumble checks.
Fishy +3 bonus on Swim checks.
Hypnotic +3 bonus on Autohypnosis checks.
Linguist +3 bonus on Decipher Script checks, and learn one extra language.
Loner +3 bonus on Survival checks.
Merciful +3 bonus on Heal checks.
Muddled +3 bonus on Use Rope checks. Tying a knot, tying a special knot, or tying a rope around yourself one-handed is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Splicing two ropes together takes 5 rounds. Binding a character takes 1 round.
Nerd +3 bonus on Program checks.
Quick +5 feet extra on movement speeds.
Slippery +3 bonus on Escape Artist checks.
Socialite +3 bonus on Gather Infomation checks.
Studious +3 bonus on Psicraft checks.
Talented +3 bonus on Use Psionic Device checks.
Tough +1 bonus hp/level.
Trickster +3 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks.
Untrustworthy +3 bonus on Open Lock checks and you do not take a penalty for not using tools or lockpicks.
Violent +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls.
Voyager +3 bonus on Pilot checks.
Workaholic +3 bonus on Profession checks, and you complete profession checks in half the time.

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