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Eldritch Blade (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 12-31-18
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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Eldritch BladeEdit

Eldritch Blade
Price: 6,600 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint Evocation
Activation: Use-Activated
Weight: 6

These weapons look like oversized glaives, swords, or other long weapons. Their damaging parts ripple with supernatural energy.

The shapes of eldritch blades vary, but generally appear as a long hilt from which emerges a glowing energy blade. Similar to both hideous blow and eldritch glaive it deals supernatural energy to its targets with the weapon dealing 1d6 of damage with a 20/x2 critical, and may attack both in melee and out to reach. If you have an eldritch blast, use it or your eldritch blast damage, which ever is higher. Like an eldritch blast, you do not add your Strength to these attacks, and you use the items caster level or your own for the purpose of bypassing spell resistance for the round. Unlike the blast shapes they resemble, these attacks are normal attack rolls and not touch attacks. However you can still take a standard action to make a single melee touch attack. This is effectively its own unique eldritch shape (2nd level shape) and thus does not stack with other shapes but does work with any essences you use. Any weapon enhancements place on the weapon apply to your eldritch blast channeled through it, and +X enhancement apply to attack and damage as normal.

Eldritch blades are a two-handed melee weapon that requires Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Eldritch Weapon) to use, or else its attack rolls take a -4 non-proficiency penalty. It shares its proficiency with other "Eldritch" weapons.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, must be able to use either eldritch glaive or hideous blow blast shapes.
Cost to Create: 3300 gp, 264 EXP, 6 days.

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