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Earth Ripple (3.5e Maneuver)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 12-20-13
Status: Complete
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Earth Ripple
Stone Dragon (Strike) [Earth]
Level: 8
Prerequisite: Three Stone Dragon maneuvers
Initiation Action: Full round action
Range: See text
Effect: Up to a 200 foot radius spread along the ground, up to 10 feet high
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex partial

You can cast Locate City Bomb too. Watch this.

As a full round action you either make a jump, or purposefully fall out of the air and charge the ground. You must fall at least 10 feet to activate this maneuver and you do not take any fall damage while using this maneuver. When you hit the ground you hit it so hard you cause a tidal wave of distorted land to ripple out from your point of impact 10 feet high, and up to 10 feet in radius for every 10 feet you dropped (maximum 200 feet). All creatures in the area take 1d6 damage for every 10 feet you dropped (maximum 20d6 damage) and are pushed to the edge of the radius unless they make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Strength modifier) for half damage. Creatures with less than 8 ranks in Balance fall prone at the end of the movement. If they succeed on the save, they must make a Jump check to see if they clear the moving 10 foot wave. If they fail to jump over 10 feet, they are pushed back to the edge of the radius. Creatures floating 11 feet or higher off the ground are immune to this maneuver.

The wave travels within the ground, going past walls and obstructions on the surface. If a creature pushed by the wave hits an obstruction (such as having been inside a building) they stop their movement there, but still take damage as if they moved the whole way and fall prone regardless of their ranks in Balance. The wave travels underground in a half-sphere, and is particularly dangerous to creatures burrowing underground. They take double damage and are moved to the edge of the sphere as appropriate (they cannot fall prone while burrowing).

The wave can, and likely will, damage surrounding buildings dealing appropriate damage to them. You can always choose to have the radius be less then the maximum you're allowed (minimum 10ft radius), you still deal the full damage you've dropped.

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