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Disguise in Plain Sight (3.5e Feat)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 15th February 2015
Status: Complete
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An intrepid adventurer use vanish into the crowd successfully.

Disguise in Plain Sight [Tactical] Prerequisites: Disguise 4 ranks, Hide Skill 4 ranksBenefit: This feat grant you the following tactical maneuvers:

Disguise in Plain Sight: You gain the ability to disguise in public even as creatures observe you, however creatures who partially observe you disguising yourself gain a +10 bonus on checks to beat your disguise. Creatures who observed you through the entire process gain a +30 bonus.

Change into Secret Identity: You may use disguise in plain sight to change into a secret identity you acquired (such as from the spymaster feat or other source).

Rush Disguise: By taking a -8 to your disguise check you can instead create a disguise in 1d3 rounds or one third of the usual time (minimum 1 round), whichever is better.

Vanish into the Crowd: A combination of both disguise in plain sight and rush disguise, it can only be done either in a crowd or in an area where visibility is limited (most likely due to poor weather such as fog). If you disguise in a light crowd you halves the penalties for rush disguise and only creatures who observed the entire process gain a bonus against your disguise. If you use this tactical maneuver in an agitated light crowd or a heavy crowd the penalties from using rush disguise vanishes and creatures who partially observe you changing into your disguise do not get any bonuses. If you change in an agitated heavy crowd you actually gain a +4 bonus to disguise, and creatures count as not having been able to observe your change at all. Special: This feat count as Skill Focus (Disguise) for the purpose of meeting prerequisites. Whenever a class would grant hide in plain sight you may forgo that class feature for this feat instead.

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