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Cinematic Critical Hit (3.5e Variant Rule)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 18 July 2012
Status: Playable
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Cinematic Critical Hit


Cinematic Critical Hit adds additional options to critical hit based on locations or other factors in the battle.

Rule MechanicsEdit

When you make a critical threat, you may opt to use a Cinematic Critical Hit. You do not need to confirm your critical hit, but the original attack must hit. The save DC of Cinematic Critical Hit is Strength-based. However, if a feat or ability (such as Weapon Finesse) replaces your Strength with another ability score for the purposes of attack rolls, you may use that ability score instead.

Lethal OpeningEdit

Prerequisites: Must be flanking the target of the attck.

Your attack cause your opponent to open itself to attacks for a moment. All creatures flanking with you may make a free melee attack at their highest attack bonus. A creature affected by Lethal Opening cannot be affected by it again for 1 round.

Show OffEdit

Prerequisites: Initiator level 1 or higher. (This requirement is optional, at the DM's discretion.)

You may make your opponent prone, uncentered or immobilized (at your option) for 1 round unless your opponent succeeds on a DC 10 + 1/2 HD + your strength modifier Reflex or Fortitude save (your choice). Then you may act cocky with a swift action, granting you a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls and AC until the beginning of your next turn.

If you are capable of using martial maneuvers, you may recover/refresh one martial maneuver instead of gaining a morale bonus.

Perfect ManeuverEdit

Prerequisites: None

You may make a free trip, grapple, disarm, bullrush or overrun attempt with a +6 bonus against the target of your attack. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you use this special maneuver.

Projecting StrikeEdit

Prerequisites: None

Your attack projects your opponent in any direction you wish. The target is moved 10 feet per point of Strength bonus (or any one ability score you add to damage) you have and is made prone. If the target hits a solid surface, he takes falling damage as if he fell from the remaining distance he needed to move. The subject must make a Reflex save with DC 10 + 1/2 HD + your Strength modifier; if he succeeds, he halves the distance he is forced to move and is not made prone.

Halve the distance the target needs to move for each two size categories he is bigger than the attacker. Similarly, double the distance the target must move for each size category the target is smaller than the attacker.

Right Though the FloorEdit

You hit the soldier so hard he is projected into the air. However, as he lands, he goes right through the floor and crashes to the floor below.

Prerequisites: Need to be on the second floor (or higher) of a building.

Your opponent is made prone and moved 5 ft per critical multiplier (10 ft. for ×2, 15 ft. for ×3). Additionally, unless he succeeds on a Reflex save with DC 10 + 1/2 HD + your Strength modifier, he goes right through the floor, creating a pit to the floor below and taking full falling damage as if the fall were 10 feet higher.

If the floor is too hard (for instance, it is made of force, adamantine, or a thick slab of iron), the DM or players may want to disallow this cinematic critical hit.

Over the EdgeEdit

Prerequisites: Need to be on a platform that is at least 10 ft. in the air. Must be standing no more than 20 ft. from the edge (or another opening).

Your opponent is made prone and moved 5 ft per critical multiplier (10 ft. for ×2, 15 ft. for ×3). Additionally, unless he succeeds on a DC 10 + 1/2 HD + your Strength modifier Reflex save, he is projected over the edge and falls, taking full fall damage.

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